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Two astounding remnants of war, rediscovered after being hidden for decades

Evidence of life-changing events long past are often out of sight and out of mind for decades, but then suddenly come to light. Here are two examples of such relics, long gone from almost everyone’s living memory, that recently re-entered the scene to remind us of our heritage. Lost Deep in the Jungles of PapuaContinue reading “Two astounding remnants of war, rediscovered after being hidden for decades”

40 colorized photos with outstanding results

We click many photos every day; it’s become a kind of routine for us now, but do you know few photographs have captured some rare moments and made them memorable forever.  Some historic black and white photographs have been colorized, and the results are outstanding. Here are some colorized photos that will for sure give you goosebumps. Keep reading! 1. The tallest, shortest, and fattest manContinue reading “40 colorized photos with outstanding results”