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Amazing couple goals that slayed the overweight monster!


Do you believe that you will one day be able to achieve your dream figure? Yes, it can be possible!

Well, if this amazing couple did it in just under 18 months, what’s stopping you? And not only the overweight menace. Whatever giant you are fighting so hard to slay. Whatever hurdle you are striving to overcome. What ever change you are desiring to cause in your life or the life of others.

Well, guess what? It’s all doable. If you just commit to a set of goals and discipline. Lexi and Danny Reed did it and so can you!

1. The traumatic spark!

This mythical couple inspires us to pursue our goals without giving up hope. Walking this journey along with Lexi and Danny will alter your perception and attitude toward life altogether. Read on.

Lexi Reed grew up as an overweight child. However, that never deterred her. She remained bubbly and affectionate by choosing to overlook the challenges that came with her weight. Of course, she had made several attempts to lose weight without much avail.

She was even name shamed at school a few times. That coupled with the physical assault that came with her weight deeply traumatized her. She decided to take a different turn.

2. Finding love

Despite weighing 275 pounds at the age of 25, life still made much sense to Lexi. Her weight became a stumbling block to some of her dreams. But not all.

As she battled the overweight disability, she still managed to find love. Danny Reed showed up just in time and became Lexi’s dearest lover. Almost a decade later, and their love is still glowing like the first time they met.

Danny chose to love and support Lexi just the way she was. However, his poor lifestyle and eating habits had caught up with him too. He would pay a huge price to cope with Lexi’s weight.

3. The deadly lifestyle

When the two met, they both had an overweight disability. Danny weighed 175 pounds. The age difference was only slight, with Danny being older.

Lexi’s overweight problem was a long-standing one. Despite numerous dietary solutions, she still failed, and her weight kept on bulging. However, her zest for life didn’t stop. She chose to be happy and focus on the positives of life.

Both Lexi’s and Danny’s poor dietary habits would continue even after coming together. Fast food joints, takeout, all-you-can-eat buffets, and order-in restaurant meals became the order of their day. This messed up their health, and they decided to make a change.

4. The foodie in me

Danny’s unhealthy lifestyle made him jump in Lexi’s boat, and together they sailed to overweight territory. Perhaps he never saw himself any different from Lexi and chose to implicitly support her poor eating habits.

Or maybe since Lexi had a poor eating habit since childhood, Danny didn’t have much control over her dietary choices. Her admission to PopSugar brought everything about her past in perspective.

Lexi’s poor parents never cooked. They instead introduced her to unhealthy junk foods. She carried this habit with her in their relationship, and she confesses to being a compulsive eater. Whatever the situation, food has always been her first point of solace.

5. Hooked to the TV

The overweight monster staring at both Lexi and Danny denied them full enjoyment of life. All their lives would revolve around the TV. Eating and watching TV. Day after day.

Until it gave birth to another monster-monotony! Their relationship was a happy one. That’s for sure. The TV experience was great. Of course. But Lexi felt she needed more outdoor fun than the TV could provide.

As an outgoing person, she was dying for some lively fun. She wanted to make more sense out of life. She kept looking for the right motivation and never stopped. She wanted to achieve it at all costs.

6. Danny’s miraculous proposal

Then came the time for Danny to go down on one knee. Lexi never saw this coming, and she was more than just thrilled. On one of her Instagram posts, Lexi poured out her heart about how Danny made her feel by asking for her hand.

The fact that he chose to overlook her weight or perceived unattractiveness made her break down in happiness. During this time, she weighed about 220 kg and finding the right wedding dress for her size became her worst nightmare.

Luckily, her joy of getting married overrode all other emotions, and she was able to cope just fine.

7. Then came the marriage

When Lexi at last identified and picked the right dress, the wedding took place as expected. That introduced a new chapter in their lives. One that came with its own set of challenges.

Living a healthy and happy life still demanded a lot from them. The marriage, on the other hand, demanded much more. Would they strike the right balance after all?

Their overweight would ultimately impede their deep desire to sire children together. In her state, pregnancy could spell a lot of doom for Lexi and her child. But that was just one in a pile of other challenges.

8. Travel restrictions!

Aside from her inability to have children, Lexi’s woes were not about to end just yet! As with any couple goals, travelling was on the top of their to-do list.

But the overweight monster kept denying them the opportunity. Normal travel or normal couple activities were largely stifled by their disability. Lexi’s lifetime desire to tour the famous world of Harry Porter at Orlando’s Universal Studios was cut short by her inability to travel.

And even if she did travel, she felt she couldn’t enjoy the rides at the park. Indiana, her home, and Florida are worlds apart and only flying could get her there.

9. The marriage experience

A year into their marriage and nothing much had changed about their earlier routine. Devouring unhealthy and processed foods in front of the TV continued.

A while later, they became concerned and desired to change their strict routine. Lexi was deeply convicted to make a radical change, but didn’t know how.

The conviction bothered her day after day, and she never gave up hope. She knew what she wanted, and she was determined to get it. She didn’t rush the process. Furthermore, she left things to take their natural course and the change she was after began setting in gradually.

10. A New Year with a change

The change Lexi had always desired was right in her mind. Leading a better and healthy life drove her to make a New Year’s resolution that would turn out to be life-defining for both of them.

2016 would mark a new beginning for them. She knew it was going to be challenging, but Danny was always by her side, supporting her resolution all the way. She is so happy.

Adapting to a new pace of life demanded a lot of sacrifice, courage, and patience from them. But they were more than determined to give up anything, if it meant bettering their lives.

11. A husband’s support

In the beginning, implementing the resolution proved difficult, especially for Danny. He had his own reservations about supporting his dear wife. He seemed to prefer the easier choice of getting home and sitting in front of the TV just like the good old days.

Even though he felt confused at first, he knew that sooner or later he would have to catch up with his wife if their lifestyle was ever going to improve. Since they had set the new year goal together, he was determined to come on board and support Lexi as the loving husband that he was.

12. The diet challenge

Lexi’s and Danny’s new year goal of living healthy triggered mixed reactions from some of their friends. They even placed a bet with the couple.

To uphold discipline, Lexi and Danny drafted a few rules to reinforce their goal of living healthy. Sports would take up half an hour every day for five days a week, alcohol intake was prohibited, soda, junk food, and other fraudulent meals were also prohibited.

They involved their friends in this bet and the bar was set. They began minimizing their food intake, for they understood it would cost them that much to lead a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

13. Tired of unhealthy living

Lexi had had enough of the limitations their unhealthy lifestyle was subjecting them to. She wanted to get more from life, and she decided to make a radical and positive change.

Denied the chance to fly or take a romantic walk alongside her husband felt like a huge hindrance to fully enjoying life.

However, the decision to change this narrative came at a huge price. Perseverance was needed in skipping fast food restaurants and sticking to a healthy diet. Their greatest concern was not being able to start a family together. They were determined to change that as a couple.

14. The gym journey

A local gym domiciled in their Terre Haute hometown in Indiana became the couple’s new home. After signing up, they upheld the 30-minute workout routine without fail.

It was not as easy as they had hoped, but they kept at it anyway. They began without a trainer, and it would occasionally prove difficult. But really want to achieve her goal.

Choosing the right exercises became another nightmare for Lexi. In her initial stages, she endured multiple chronic joint pains after going many years with zero physical activity. It was part of the price she had to pay to realize her goal.

15. Finding a conducive space

At first, Lexi had a difficult time locating the right gym and training equipment. Their overweight disability demanded a lot of private space away from prying eyes.

After a while of thoroughly searching and trying different gyms, she finally found her fit. She spotted a local gym that wasn’t very busy. Here, she was also assigned a training machine overlooking a wall. That way, her esteem and confidence remained intact, and she could train undistracted.

Luckily, Lexi also found a training machine ideal for her huge joints. That came as a big relief to her, as she felt well accommodated.

16. Embracing new habits

A 30-minute good workout routine once a day was not enough to realize Lexi’s and Danny’s new goal. Amazing, or? They had to keep a keen eye on their diet structure as well.

Putting an end to restaurant meals meant abiding by the alternative-a home cooked meal. They had to cook themselves. Good thing they learned how to do it the easy way-together.

To prevent a relapse into unhealthy habits, the couple had to keep junk like frozen pizza at bay. Their new appetite only craved real, healthy foods. However, it took them more than just appetite. It took strict discipline.

17. A new lifestyle choice

Lexi and Danny had resolved to treat their new dietary routine as more than that. They decided to embrace it as a habit. So, gradually they drifted away from their old eating habits and discovered new inspirations.

Instead of making it a completely zero diet, Lexi still had some control over what she could choose for her diet. To keep her from giving up, she would select foods that she liked and look for a way to make them healthier.

As old habits die hard, she hard to be smart about the new dietary twist, and it worked well for her.

18. Moral support is everything!

Fully supporting each other really helped Lexi and Danny get to the finish line triumphantly. Support has always defined their perfect relationship and made them thrive.

Sticking to a daily gym and healthy eating routine is one of the hardest choices anyone can make. Coming together however, they both found enough strength to cling to and keep on going.

At some point, they involved fitness trainers, who could help them. This coupled with a daily gym and dietary routine, a month would not go by without witnessing some real physical change. Taking the challenge together made the journey less turbulent.

19. Shaping up anew

Over time, the couple’s discipline became their greatest advantage. Their bodies began to take on a new shape-a healthy shape. They had begun reaping. They both are so happy.

From this great motivation, Lexi enrolled for gym classes, where she would meet new people that became an extra motivation to her. She found much fun and support through this network.

She viewed her exercising in a positive light when mixed with some friendly fun. The more fun she had within her newly found team, the more she found her training sessions bearable. Change began setting in without her even noticing.

20. The payoffs

With the significant weight loss milestones, came a complete change of perception and attitude. Things were finally lining up in Lexi’s favor. Her fear of being body shamed suddenly turned into a strong pillar of confidence.

She no longer cared about prying eyes. In fact, she even wanted people to stare at her for her deliberate effort in working out. She wanted them to see a hardworking woman whenever they stared at her. Not an overweight one.

At the start she would lose about 9 kg a month until she couldn’t lose anymore. However, she still stuck to her dietary discipline consistently staying on top of her calorie intake daily.

21. What about Danny?

As Lexi was making significant progress weight-wise, so was Danny. He began to lose a lot of weight and inevitably, his overall health improved.

Starting off at 127 kg, Danny cumulatively shed off 45 kg in just under two years. This marked a huge milestone in his life and he ended up weighing only 86 kg. That is so amazing.

This meant a lot of success for the couple. Opting for and staying committed to a healthy lifestyle saw them achieve their healthy living goal with resounding success! Both are now perfectly happy. They achieved their goals very good together.

22. Lexi’s magical transformation

Experiencing a sharp weight loss to stand at 140 kgs in under two years sounded like a miracle to Lexi. She was fully convinced that without the necessity to uphold a strict gym discipline, a healthy lifestyle, as well as healthy eating habits, she wouldn’t have made such a huge leap. Not to mention determination.

On one instance, she visited a restaurant she and her husband used to patronize before the training journey had begun.

Interestingly, she noted that unlike before where her belly would get stuck on the table’s edge, she now could sit comfortably with ample space left between her and the table.

23. Instagram influencer

Through unwavering determination, Lexi’s health has largely been restored. To top that off, her figure has also caught up really well and fast. She takes great pride in her new look.

Her famous ‘Fat Girl Fed Up’ Instagram account created in 2016 to not only inspire others like her but also be heard and supported has been a major inspiration to her followers. She is a true role model for other people.

On this account Lexi shares her before and after photos depicting her entire transformation journey. With such clear evidence of change, her followership has skyrocketed to more than 750,000 followers.

24. Fame sets in

Lexi’s and Danny’s story began to cause a stir on the internet. As information spread like wildfire across the internet, the media would soon catch wind of this revolutionary couple. Everyone wanted to know more about the couple.

The media quickly developed huge interest in the couple, and they turned into a heavily sought after gem. They took part in several reality TV shows including the Rachel’s Ray talk show on cooking and healthy eating.

Surprisingly, their fame did not change them even one bit. They remained a humble couple and sincerely thanked the media for all the support they had given them.

25. A fresh breath at life

Losing a whopping 180 kgs aggregately, Lexi and Danny felt like they had been given a second chance at life. It felt more than just amazing. It totally felt miraculous.

Having been given a whole new life, they had to celebrate in style. They decided to return to the beach where Danny had made his marriage proposal to Lexi. It was all a phenomenal experience, considering their challenging journey together.

To mark their celebration, they did a quick race on the edge of the water. Lexi delivered a sterling performance by running on the same ground she had trouble walking on before.

26. Revisiting dreams

In addition to the celebratory beach race, Lexi and Danny were in a better position now to revisit and attempt all the things they couldn’t do before because of the overweight monster.

Since they could now comfortably fly, they took a flight to The Wizarding World of Harry Porter, one of Lexi’s lifetime desires. Her dream came true, she is very happy about it.

They did not only fit squarely on the plane, but also had the opportunity to ride in a carousel in the park. Achieving all these milestones together has further strengthened this couple’s ties, making them inseparable.

27. Everyday means freedom

Lexi has a host of things lined up that she wishes to accomplish in the future. She is excited that she is finally able to do them.

She enjoys every day given to her and never forgets to appreciate the journey she has undertaken to get there. Lexi counts every day as victory over the obstacles she has had to encounter in her entire journey.

She recounts her journey from weighing 220 kg and can’t get enough of the excitement of getting up every day and doing anything or travelling anywhere. She feels completely liberated from the captivity of her own body.

28. Lexi inspires

Having risen to a huge online influencer, Lexi seeks to inspire by sharing advice on healthy living and commitment to making life’s significant transformations.

Her Instagram page is flooded with tons of inspiration pictures reflecting the transition she has undergone. She posts such photos to encourage all those experiencing what she went through in her transition.

She believes that even though she isn’t there yet, she can still inspire one or two individuals out there. She strongly advocates weight loss drugs combined with other healthy and natural weight loss methods. To her, starting small leads to impressive results in the end.

29. Giving back

Lexi and Danny are a true definition of what real determination yields in a difficult process. They won the bet they had placed before beginning the challenge. This further motivated them to launch their own YouTube channel with the aim of helping others.

Sports and healthy nutrition is their main focus on the channel. That’s where they center their advice because that’s what worked for them in the past.

As an invitee in the 2018 Screen Actors Guild Awards, Lexi talks about how her determination slashed her goal attainment (shedding more than 135 kgs) duration from three to two years.

30. Finally alive

Lexi admits that saving her own life is the greatest feeling she has ever experienced. She is experiencing a new form of happiness in this new version of her life. She can confidently affirm that she loves her life.

Being emancipated from the prison of her own life, Lexi finally feels alive. She considers every day a blessing. She takes great pride in her journey and her newly found vibrant life.

She remains forever grateful for saving her own life. Getting to 2018 in a new shape taught her to appreciate and love life. Many people can take their lifestyle as an example.

31. The Hollywood acclaim

Lexi’s progress in transforming her own life has earned her great recognition across Hollywood. She was honored to receive a special invitation by TNT Drama and L’Oréal Paris to take part in the Screen Actors Guild Awards of 2018. She also received a most motivated women award that same year.

All these accolades are attributed to the fact that Lexi is not only a strong, but also an inspiring woman. Going to Hollywood didn’t alter their healthy habits-sports and healthy eating despite spending some quality time in a top-notch hotel. Lexi is a real fighter and a great role model for others.

32. Lexi’s recipe

Lexi’s principle of losing weight rides on healthy meal ingredients. On all her social networks branded ‘Fat Girl Fed Up’, she shares a weekly menu every Monday on how to prepare healthy meal ingredients. From these ingredients, one can produce both delicious and healthy meals.

Over and above posting the menu, she also shares healthy living tips. In one of the posts she urged her followers to check their diet especially during holidays. To eat a balanced diet, one should check the portions and replace ingredients with healthier foods.

All her recipes are based on unprocessed foods for healthy diets.

33. Uphold the discipline

No matter how much fun activities Lexi and Danny have outside their home, the dietary discipline is always the same.

In a recent camping activity, this discipline came out on display perfectly. As other campers devoured sausages and the likes, the couple simply focused on a customized high-protein meal comprising steak, chicken, and avocado.

Lexi affirmed that whether in a holiday, or a weekend outing, or even being outdoors doesn’t pave the way for them to give up their healthy eating discipline. Even the most ideal outdoor meals like hamburgers and hot dogs seem to escape their appetite. Fascinating or ?

34. Exercise daily!

Whether you find motivation, exercise daily. That’s Lexi’s and Danny’s advice to their followers. They attribute their greatest success to always going to the gym without ceasing. The gym to them has become their fun park, and they are not about to stop any time soon.

They remain hyperactive in sports and never miss a chance to upload a photo or two of their latest gym activity. This habit keeps their followers encouraged and spirits uplifted to train every day.

To gain a perfect figure, people should believe in the training process even when motivation seems low. This really helps a lot.

35. Community engagement

Lexi has learned to surround herself with a positive community both over the internet and in-person. She asserts that this motivates her to stay healthy all the time. In fact, this can really help a lot, because a good sense of well-being is very important when losing weight.

Through her community she finds a reliable support system for a healthy lifestyle. She doesn’t stop at giving motivational tips. Lexi has gone a step further to set regular fitness competitions online on

This is her way of fully maximizing her outreach for healthy living through her social media platforms. She is a strong believer of one’s immediate environment shaping the outcomes of their performance.

36. Healthy lifestyle friends

Lexi believes that leading a healthy lifestyle shouldn’t be a solo journey. Finding friends who lead a healthy lifestyle by adopting good eating and exercising habits is a strong ladder in getting you to the peak of healthy living.

She now appreciates and values the significance of such friends having started out alone. The new lifestyle and hobbies she had adopted scared off even her loved ones. Overtime however, she was able to walk past the rejection. She found helpers who have journeyed with her throughout her transformation.

Lexi also admits that without people her experience wouldn’t have been at all enjoyable.

37. Rest is important too!

To stay focused on their lifestyle goals, Lexi and Danny have incorporated rest into their exercise schedule. They believe that when they rest they become refreshed and renewed in strength.

They have factored one rest day a week in their training routine. Their rest however doesn’t involve sleeping in or the likes. They prefer substituting the training with some other fun activity like walking their amazing golden retrievers Duo-Olivia and Olivier.

Another such activity on the list is walking. Especially in the summer. She asserts that such walks are healthy too. Read on to learn more about the beautiful couple.

38. Regular biking

Lexi affirms that for her, life is an adventure. She now loves to travel having been freed from obesity. She couldn’t imagine her life any better now. Lexi and her husband are just happy as can be.

Off-road biking is the couple’s favorite sport. Doing it on a regular basis they believe, helps fight obesity. To drive the point home, they frequently publish content revolving around fun activities that can work to the advantage of their healthy living goals.

Moreover, they always undertake these fun activities together in order to keep their bond alive. We find this so incredibly beautiful!

39. Danny’s voice

Image: discoveringdanny/Instagram

To back his wife Lexi, Danny has taken to social media to keep the inspiration fire burning. He, too, has a social media page where he shares tips on implementing lifestyle changes.

Through his good Instagram page ‘Discovering Danny’, he has become a source of encouragement to millions of followers. He likes to share stories about his adventurous lifestyle journey, his new experiences with life, his passions, and advice.

Frequently, he also posts photos of his latest progress in achieving a full range of healthy living. With such uploads, his followers can draw inspiration from the evidence of working tips.

40. Popular Youtubers

Image: Fatgirlfedup/youtube

Apart from regular photo updates on social media Danny and Lexi Reed also fancy videos. They have recorded and uploaded more than a few videos on their official YouTube channel.

Of course, they never forget to also document their achievements on YouTube. Lexi being honored and awarded by TNT Drama and L’Oréal Paris in the SAG Awards’ event is one such achievement uploaded on their YouTube channel.

All the adventurous encounters in their transition journey have also been captured and well-articulated on this channel. Lastly, they have uploaded numerous tips for healthy living especially during vacations. In other words, on their YouTube channel you will find everything you need to know about this amazing couple.