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Hilarious Test Answers Written By Kids

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There are children who genuinely attend school to engage in studying and acquire new knowledge, while others are content with daydreaming their way through classes until the moment the bell rings, granting them a blissful escape. Regardless, after enduring twelve challenging years of education, it’s inevitable that everyone would gain some level of understanding.

These youngsters must have been fortunate enough to encounter exceptionally intriguing teachers, considering how outlandish their test answers are! Undeniably, these children have honed their sense of humor. Whichever the case may be, it is evident that the teachers who composed these exams were far from anticipating such unconventional responses.

1. The 4 ghosts


The child cannot be deceived. The existence of a tooth fairy, unicorns, and ghosts is simply nonexistent. While the teacher may have intended to elicit a straightforward mathematical answer, this child seized the opportunity to set the record straight and quell the teacher’s fanciful imagination.

No, no. It is evident that she is experiencing some sort of hallucination, and it is our responsibility to assist her in gaining a clearer perspective.

2. Tony the pianomaster


Utilizing their logical thinking, the child deliberated upon the potential consequences of engaging in 20-minute daily piano sessions and crafted a meticulously reasoned response. Sure, there may be other effects to consider, such as Tony evolving into a globally renowned child prodigy. However, when one contemplates the current state of Tony’s life, it becomes apparent that only an exceptionally exceptional individual would possess the fortitude to face such a challenge.

That being said, I wager your perspective will undergo a significant shift once Tony attains wealth and fame, all thanks to the daily commitment of 20 minutes. Here’s hoping that his unwavering dedication pays off in remarkable ways.

3. Rings on Saturn


Undoubtedly, Beyoncé would take pride in witnessing her hit song make an appearance in this child’s test. As the reigning queen of pop, her judgment is seldom questioned. However, the teacher in this scenario chose not to entertain the reference. Nevertheless, it is commendable that the teacher displayed some level of openness by acknowledging it. Nonetheless, if a student’s answer is to be invalidated, it is only equitable to provide a clear explanation for the decision and elucidate why it posed an issue.

In any case, it was a commendable effort, but the rings encircling Saturn are more akin to icicles rather than diamonds. Does this imply that Saturn is still available for purchase?

4. Find X


Spotting Waldo in a large, vibrant crowd can be quite a challenge… But if you’re going to task us with finding X, why leave it right there, in plain sight? In broad daylight? Well, here you have it, teacher—I’ve found it. You’re most welcome. It seems this teacher believed that providing instructions like “determine the numerical value of X” were redundant and served no purpose other than wasting time and space.

Well, now the consequences are catching up with them, and it’s quite a hefty price to pay. One can only hope that the student’s teacher granted them at least partial credit, considering it was the teacher’s own error. Embrace your potential and excel, young one, because as you grow older, pretending ignorance won’t suffice.

5. Heartless Giraffes


This child expressed dissatisfaction with all the available options for the question. The likely correct answer was B, considering Darwin’s theory that emphasizes the survival of the fittest and the eventual demise of the weaker members of a species.

However, the child disagreed with this perspective. They went a bit overboard by referring to all giraffes as “heartless creatures,” which most people wouldn’t agree with. It’s possible that only these two particular giraffes exhibit somewhat mean behavior.

6. Don’t Waste My Time


This situation highlights the importance of children attending school. Going to school serves a purpose beyond acquiring new knowledge. As exemplified by this clever individual, mere knowledge of random facts doesn’t necessarily equate to intelligence. The purpose of schooling is to learn how to substantiate our answers. Let this be a valuable lesson for you, young person. School encompasses more than simply expressing your personal thoughts on a page.

There are occasions when it becomes necessary to abide by the rules. As you progress to college and encounter the task of writing lengthy 10-page essays, you will quickly realize that relying solely on the notion of being intelligent is insufficient.

7. Enough is Enough, Judy


Oh, Judy, here you go once more. Haven’t you realized that true beauty resides within? Given the teacher’s exasperated reaction, it’s evident that this isn’t the first time Judy has played one of her pranks. It wouldn’t be surprising if she’s the same Judy who placed an upside-down thumbtack on the teacher’s chair just a week ago. On this English test, she was instructed to complete the sentence and circle the word that best conveys the emotions of a boy who has fallen off his bicycle and torn his pants. But did Judy follow the instructions? I highly doubt it.

Not only did she disregard the provided options, but she also included her own word, and like Judy, it was audacious and offensive. Oh, Judy, what shall we do with you? Undoubtedly, you are a mischievous student.

8. Too Much Information


It’s widely acknowledged that children will always be forthcoming, even if their honesty is unwelcome. In fact, quite frequently, kids will express precisely what we’d prefer to avoid hearing. While these booklets do assist teachers in gaining a deeper understanding of children’s home lives, occasionally we stumble upon snippets of information that are best left right where they belong—at home.

Well, mom, it appears that you’ve been caught red-handed. The next time you make your way to the wine cabinet, be sure to ensure that your little ones are fast asleep because sooner or later, they’ll expose your actions!

9. Problems and Solutions


While this may not have been the anticipated response from the teacher, given the concise instructions, this child’s answer is absolutely on point! I mean, what would YOU do if you fell and scraped your knee? This child is evidently well ahead of their peers and simply aimed to emphasize that.

The teacher should genuinely consider this answer, as it reflects a valuable life lesson we all learn over time. Give this kid an A, as they clearly possess a profound comprehension of life and its obstacles. In my opinion, young fella, you deserve full marks and accolades for displaying remarkable maturity. Your future looks exceptionally promising!

10. Nice Try


If you’re a scientist or someone who paid attention in science class (which all of you should, children!), you might already know the correct answer to this question. However, this child, like myself, appears to have overlooked any scientific explanations as to why Miranda is unable to see through the microscope. Impaired vision could be a plausible reason, and the teacher shouldn’t be too hasty in dismissing it.

On second thought, if I can’t see… perhaps I’m also blind. In any case, I found this child’s answer quite clever.

11. Less Crying

Often, at the start of a new school year, students are prompted to write a message to their future selves. School can be a challenging period for anyone, with tests and the endeavor to form new friendships. Many children lose sight of their true selves and the aspirations they hold. It can become quite stressful. However, this is all part of the process of growing up and acquiring the skills to navigate such situations.

Upon reflecting on the previous year, this child reached a reasonable conclusion that the upcoming year would likely be significantly better if it involved fewer instances of crying. And it’s quite probable that they are correct. Welcome to the real world, my dear.

12. A Rebel


Ladies and gentlemen, it appears we have a true rebel in our midst. Not only did this child boldly state their stance, but they also used four words instead of three to emphasize their point. Well done. Your consistency is truly commendable.

It would be unjust to fail the child for this strategic response. It seems there’s no use in attempting to confine this little rebel within the boundaries!

13. 1 Foot-ball


We cannot be certain if this child knew the correct answer or even understood what a football was. Nonetheless, it is impossible for a football to exceed a length of one foot.

Indeed, how would one even hold a football of such proportions? Despite considering that aspect, this answer still appears incorrect after taking everything into account.

14. Math


Throughout my years, I have never encountered a child who didn’t find it utterly pointless and wearisome to explain to their math teacher the step-by-step process they employed to arrive at their answers. So, why bother jotting down the lengthy and intricate calculations just to obtain the correct result? It involves too much unnecessary hassle. This child achieved the correct answer, and yes, they utilized math to do so. What’s the big deal, anyway?

I genuinely hope that the teacher didn’t deduct any points for this concise and precise response, especially considering it was provided under a “Try This” heading. In my opinion, this young child deserves an A+ solely for this answer.

15. The Bottom

Image: Twitter/@pvermeul_peter

As we’ve just witnessed from our previous clever student, teachers sometimes need to provide more precise instructions. Undoubtedly, this child’s answer is, at the very least, correct. When you sign almost anything, it is typically done at the bottom. I wouldn’t be surprised if we’re dealing with the child of a lawyer, a businessperson, or someone from any profession that involves frequent signing of documents.

This child demonstrated sufficient awareness and knowledge to consolidate their previously acquired common knowledge and employ it to respond to this question. As for whether they know the actual location where the Declaration of Independence was signed, I suppose we may never find out.

16. Song References


Without a doubt, this is one of my personal favorites. First and foremost, allow me a moment to highlight the absurdity of this question in the first place. Who does this teacher believe they are, asking a student to condense the concept of love into just two to three lines?! You know what, we’ll tackle it when they can accomplish such a feat themselves! Nevertheless, this brilliant student didn’t let that hinder them. They confidently rose to the occasion and flawlessly aced this answer.

These days, not many children remember these song lyrics, let alone how to apply them in a classroom context. However, there you have it—the humor is evident, and the originality is remarkable. Kudos to the kid for their creative and unique response.

17. Heartbroken


Why does this teacher feel entitled to strike out an answer like this? It’s this type of behavior that fosters hatred in the world! It’s how conflicts and wars start! Love is the most powerful force on Earth! Kid, never let anyone convince you otherwise! Perhaps this child comes from a home that exemplifies extraordinary, enchanting relationship goals. Alternatively, they might simply be hopelessly in love with Suzie, the girl with long black hair and big brown eyes who sits in the front row.

I can envision being easily distracted from your test in such a vivid reality. Would you have deemed this answer acceptable?

18. Earth Day


In most schools, a portion of the regular schedule is dedicated to discussing upcoming holidays. However, it seems this kid missed the memo! It is true that Earth Day falls on April 22nd, and undoubtedly, this knowledge would come in handy during holiday-themed trivia games.

No, I don’t think that specific test will ignite our star pupil’s passion for environmental activism.

19. Hell


If I were a teacher seeking a one-word description, I would likely be expecting an adjective. “Hell-ish” might have met the criteria, but this child is clearly bending the rules. So, what do you think? Are we dealing with a rule breaker or an expression of frustration? One thing is certain: this child is certainly not the only one in the American education system who shares this profound opinion.

Perhaps the school should put in more effort to enhance student satisfaction levels instead of relying solely on the results of this survey. I foresee a future career for this child, either as an entrepreneur or as a burger flipper, depending on the support and opportunities they receive.

20. Freeloader


It seems that the teacher was attempting to instill a sense of financial independence in the class. However, not everyone has reached that level of autonomy and financial understanding.

While most children are occupied with mundane household chores like doing dishes, laundry, or mowing the lawn, this child opted for the easier route, relying on the financial support of their parents. The teacher may have been taken aback by the response, but at least the child is being honest.

21. Feedback


Oh dear… I sincerely hope this is just a prank. It’s difficult to fathom that someone could be so audacious or lacking in social skills (not to mention manners) to genuinely consider providing such a response to a legitimate test question. Surely, they wouldn’t actually write this if they knew their teacher would read it… right? I’m inclined to believe that one of their friends goaded them into doing this in exchange for some sort of popularity boost.

I can only hope that the potential reward they received was worth the humiliation they are bound to face during the upcoming parent-teacher conference.

22. Choices


Hmm… that seems quite accurate. When teaching students about the three states of matter, one should be prepared for a variety of answers that may arise. It’s difficult to fault the child for making scientific observations, as the study of science encompasses various aspects, including our own bodily functions.

Nonetheless, I sincerely hope that the teacher refrains from deducting any points or disqualifying the young child’s test due to their perfectly correct (albeit politically incorrect) answer.

23. Mr. Thomas


Mr. Thomas likely distributed this questionnaire at the start of the school year to ensure that his students were familiar with the expected code of conduct in his classroom. It’s possible that Mr. Thomas even acted out each scenario multiple times with his pupils before administering this test. However, whether or not this particular child was present during any of those practice sessions remains uncertain.

While we may never truly know, one thing is certain: this child compensates for their lack of punctuality with their charm and wit. Despite not being well-versed in proper etiquette, an answer like this is likely to earn them a special place in Mr. Thomas’s heart.

24. Communism.


While it’s commendable that this teacher has delved into the study of atomic and electron movements in their class, it seems that the subject of sociology still requires attention. While it’s doubtful that this specific answer was accepted, perhaps the child could have earned a few points if they provided substantiating arguments. If we’re discussing the topic, perhaps socialism could be a plausible alternative answer. Regardless, it’s clear that this is a complex subject that demands extensive research and exploration.

While we’re on the subject, it’s worth considering whether socialism could be a more suitable answer. However, it’s important to note that this is a complex topic that necessitates thorough research and exploration to fully understand its nuances and implications.

25. Six or 6?


It seems that this third grader has recently been introduced to the concept of cross multiplication, but unfortunately, the understanding hasn’t quite sunk in. At first glance, they mistakenly believe that after eliminating common factors, the answer simplifies to a straightforward result. With no more “N’s” in the equation, they conclude that it spells out “six,” equating it to 6! Oh dear, it seems this child will need to return to their books and spend some more time understanding where they went astray.

In due time, this individual will come to realize that success doesn’t come effortlessly and that one must put in effort to achieve desired outcomes. It’s unfortunate that this lesson had to be learned at such an early stage, but it’s a valuable realization nonetheless.