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These are the 40 most hilarious family pictures we have ever seen

Bild: Rido /

A universal truth about people is that everyone needs a vacation once in a while. We all feel like we haven’t had enough time off. Except maybe the people in these following photos. Just try not to laugh at these unfortunate vacationers who might just be ready to go home.

1. Not What He Meant

Paris is one of the most romantic destinations in the world. The Eiffel Tower is a beautiful landmark that sees its fair share of marriage proposals. Not this time.

This poor guy knelt down to tie his shoe, but that’s not what his girlfriend thinks is happening. Imagine having to explain that no, he doesn’t want to marry you, actually.

2. A Bad Wave

This family was all set up for a nice family picture. The sea in the background, everybody smiling. It was promising a very cute photograph that they could show to their friends and family after they came back from their vacation.

But as the photographer actually pressed the button to take the picture, the sea decided otherwise. There would be no nice and smiley family to hang on the wall of the living room.

Instead, a wave rushed to the family, surprising them at the very moment of the photo. Their faces show that they didn’t expect it. Maybe the photographer saw it coming? Anyway, he didn’t warn them.

3. A costumed vacation

Why pack a simple swimsuit for your beach vacation, when you can pack a whole costume? That is exactly what this couple thought.

Indeed, they do not resemble any other person on the beach with this outfit. Instead of a plein swimsuit or bikini, they decided to wear their best costume. Is this a historical costume? Or a fantasy costume? We are not quite sure. But what we are positive about, is that these two are having a lot of fun!

After all, that is all that should matter, when you are on vacation. Who cares what the others wear? Just have fun with your outfits!

4. Rejected Holiday Pictures

Image: Ian Hughes via Norwegian Cruise Line

Photographer Ian Hughes collects the photographs that were rejected by clients during cruises. In those pictures, he finds treasures, such as this photo.

We imagine why the clients didn’t buy the picture at the end of their stay on the cruise ship. It looks rather funny, than like a souvenir from their romantic cruise.

The man does look like he is having a lot of fun, however the lady looks rater bothered. Maybe she didn’t enjoy being there? Maybe there was someone she didn’t like? Maybe she was feeling sea sick? Or maybe she is afraid of boats, as she seems to be holding onto the floating device?

5. Sharing is Caring

Bild: Judith Lienert /

This man was captured on film by his wife at exactly the right moment. He should be proud of the real whopper of a yellowtail that he reeled in!

That seal certainly thinks it’s one heck of a catch and stole it right out of his hands. The bird in the background also seems very attentive.

6. A Little Too Much Nature

This woman got more than she bargained for with this animal experience. She was hoping to get a cute shot of her posing with a small llama and a bird on her shoulder.

It’s easy to forget that animals have minds of their own, though, and the large bird of prey decided that he wasn’t ready for his close up!

7. Grandpa’s Speedo

Bild: Day Of Victory Studio /

This father-son duo’s beach photo was made a bit spicier by the appearance of a confident elderly man in a daringly cut speedo in the background.

We can all only aspire to the level of confidence of that gentleman when we are his age. With this photo, this family will remember their vacation for a long time!

8. Frozen Solid

This woman was enjoying a swim in a hot spring in extremely frigid conditions when this happened. She tossed her wet hair in air that was -20° F, and it instantly froze into this crazy shape.

Just looking at it makes my head hurt in sympathy. Hopefully it melted quick!

9. Camera Malfunction

At first glance it might look like there are three people in this photo. Nope! This is a case of a camera catching more than one frame in the shot and the result is terrifying.

The picture does give some insight as to how she’s really feeling at the moment. I think we can all relate.

10. Monkey Business

Image: IMAGO / ZUMA Wire

In some countries, it is illegal to disturb or interfere with wild monkeys. Even if this poor man wanted a closer look, he was helpless to defend himself when this monkey decided to make itself comfortable.

At least he got a once in a lifetime photo out of the experience.

11. Nightmare Photobomb

Most people already think that clowns are creepy. This couple were probably pretty freaked out when they realized they had been photobombed by this especially scary clown.

Looking back at your photos only to see this face peering over your shoulder is the stuff of nightmares. This clown-guy seems at least to be having fun.

12. Tiggers are Wonderful Things

There are princesses and costumed characters all over every inch of the Disney parks. This poor little girl searched Disney World high and low, determined that she was going to meet her favorite character, Tigger.

Faced with the reality, she burst into tears and hid. Hopefully the poor girl had a better day after he left.

13. Enjoying the Sights

The view overlooking this city is the perfect spot for a memorable family photo. Unfortunately, this man was busy admiring the view and no one told him that they were ready to take the picture.

It definitely made for a memorable photo of a different kind. I wonder if he would be happy to know he is featured on the family picture.

14. Mickey Has Snapped!

This candid photo couldn’t have been snapped at a better moment. Mickey looks like they have finally had enough of the celebration and taken a big bite out of that kid.

It might just be the angle that the photo was taken, but it’s still pretty relatable. The kid on the picture must now have nightmares about it!

15. Say Cheese to This

This family photo was taken on a cruise. While the parents look a little bit stressed it’s clear that it’s the little girl that’s ready to be done.

According to the mom, the gesture was entirely innocent, and the girl didn’t know what it meant. It will still make for a funny memento in years to come.

16. Do Not Disturb

We all need some alone time, but this might be going too far. This woman set up her chair near the water to enjoy the view and then promptly fell asleep.

Apparently she slept right through the tide coming in around her. Hopefully someone woke her up before the water got much deeper.

17. Not the Hair

There’s always the risk of getting drenched when going on a log ride. This woman really, really didn’t want to get her hair wet, though.

She tied a plastic grocery bag around her head to protect her hair at least. She must not have cared as much about her clothes.

18. Purple Nurple

This father got more than he expected when he was posing for a snapshot with his son. Just as the photo was snapped the toddler grabbed and pinched his father’s nipples.

The father probably recovered quickly enough, but he learned to be a bit more careful when he doesn’t have his shirt on.

19. Photogenic Dolphin Photobomb

This family might have been preparing to swim with dolphins, but no one expected one to steal the show quite so much. Just as the photo was taken, the dolphin jumped into the frame.

This is hands down the most adorable photobomb ever. Even the dolphin seems proud of himself.

20. Vacation from Hell

Being trapped in a car with anyone for an extended period of time can get old. This family looks like they were done with togetherness a few miles back.

The caption “vacation from hell” that the mother is holding up says all that needs to be said. Seeing the picture, we can totally relate.

21. A Dynamite Time

This photo screams “Napoleon Dynamite” because of the peak early 1980’s fashion and big, round glasses on three of the family members’ faces.

For some reason, the three Napoleon Dynamite lookalikes can’t seem to decide if they are having a good time or not. At least the little girl looks thrilled to be in South Dakota.

22. Man Overboard

Whitewater rafting can be a thrilling adventure for friends and family. It looks like this woman is having a little too much fun. The family matriarch went right over the side when the boat hit a rapid a little harder than expected.

Don’t worry, she was fished out of the water and was absolutely fine.

23. There’s Always One

Any parent knows that getting a good shot of all of their children together is a challenge. The parents of these kids were so close to getting the perfect Christmas card photo when the girl on the left was suddenly overcome by the need to sneeze.

Better luck next time.

24. I Can’t Bear It

This family decided to take a photo to remember their vacation to Poland complete with traditional costumes and sled dogs. However, their friend insisted on wearing a white bear costume for the picture and no one had the heart to tell them no.

Even the sled dogs think that this is weird.

25. Grumpy Face

Parents might be able to get their kids to pose for pictures but they can’t make them like it. This family was touring all the major historic sites in Washington, D.C., but it’s clear their teenage daughter would rather be anywhere else.

Hopefully they went somewhere she enjoyed more before their vacation ended.

26. Like No One is Watching

This man was enjoying a few holes of golf when this photo was snapped. The man in the back was caught relieving himself in the lake.

He probably hoped that no one would notice, but now it’s immortalized in this picture. Sometimes when nature calls you have to answer. But this spot was really poorly chosen.

27. Too Much Fun

Even the best vacation can leave a person burned out. This family was visiting the “happiest place on Earth”, but they looked like they were ready to go home.

Too much of a good thing is a bad thing. Hopefully this family got some much-needed rest before finishing their vacation out on a good note.

28. Fashion is Pain

Most couples wouldn’t pass up snapping a few photos on the beach. This woman insisted on wearing her favorite pair of heels for this seaside photoshoot. The heels look ridiculous in the water. They look awkward and are a major safety hazard walking on all that sand.

She’d have been better off with a pair of sandals.

29. Trend Setter?

The first thing most people do when they get to the beach is to get into their swimsuits.

This man seems to have been interrupted by his phone while he was changing out of his regular clothes and into swim trunks. Either that or he’s trying to start a new fashion trend.

30. Take a Tumble

Floating around on an inner tube in the middle of the lake sounds like a peaceful way to spend an afternoon. It’s getting onto the inner tube that’s the real struggle.

This woman tried, but as we can see here, failed, taking a tumble into the water. Hopefully the second time’s a charm.

31. Shark Sighted

This photo could be from the intro of Jaws, but no, it’s real! Despite warnings that a shark was sighted in the water that day, a dozen people have waded into the water without fear. Is getting your feet wet really worth the risk?

Hopefully the shark was long gone and no one was hurt.

32. Oh Baby

For how calm the family looks, this photo would make any parent panic. It looks like that baby is about to tumble out of their backpack and into the ocean!

Don’t worry, the baby was still safely strapped in and no one was hurt. The photographer might just have had a moment of panic, seeing what was happening in front of his eyes.

33. You Gotta Go When You Gotta Go

These parents know that potty training takes commitment and have carted along their son’s potty. He looks so serious. For added fun, his big sister is cheering him on, too.

This will be a funny memory to bring out years later. And for sure, the son will regret this picture for a long time.

34. Black Sheep of the Family

Family portraits can be a nightmare to get right and this family almost had it. Multiple generations of the family all gathered together. Too bad no one noticed the kid in the upper right of the frame making a goofy face!

His mother was probably furious when she got this picture back.

35. Nerd Family Photo

This family with their weird matching spacesuits has a strong sci-fi vibe. It’s a kind of Revenge of the Nerds/Star Trek mashup.

Everyone seems to be having fun now, but those kids might feel differently when they look back at this photo in ten or twenty years. At least it must have been a nice family time.

36. Making Friends

This boy has made two new best friends on his vacation. He’s lounging on the beach with a monkey and a large parrot, and he seems to be having a great time. And so do the animal friends!

Who are we to judge? If only making friends were always this easy.

37. Gone Wild

This family is learning a lesson from a pair of tortoises that are demonstrating some fundamentals of life. Considering how slow a tortoise moves, this is probably not a photobomb, but instead a photographer with a sense of humor. The funniest of it all being the way the family poses in the background.

Let them have some privacy!

38. A Pair of Lobsters

When this couple were thinking of lobsters by the beach they probably weren’t thinking of themselves! This pair spent the day out in the sun and didn’t remember their SPF.

They look miserable and probably won’t be able to move soon. At least they will never forget sunscreen again. Probably they had to stay in for the whole rest of their vacation.

39. Not Funny Anymore

This man probably thought it was funny that he was buried in the sand. That is until the seagulls left him a terrible present! Now he’s stuck with the mess until someone digs him out.

His luck couldn’t be much worse, but at least he had sunglasses on. Maybe next time he will choose the spot better and avoid the birds.

40. Nap While You Can

This man knows how to take advantage of a situation. He has stretched out in the luggage rack of this bus for a nap. Whether the bus driver was aware or not, it doesn’t look like anyone could have stopped him.

Or maybe he is a bus driver? At least he looks comfortable.