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Elevator CCTV shows the most awkward things people do

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Riding an elevator can be the most boring activity a person does daily. Once the doors close, there’s no audience. This elevator footage reveals just some of the crazy things people have gotten up to when they think they are alone in an elevator.

Keep reading and discover 40 pictures of outrageous things people do while in the elevator.

1. What Floor, Sir?


In some upscale, fancy hotels there are people whose job it is to stand in the elevator and operate it for you. That’s not what this guy is doing with his face covered, standing just inside.

Imagine stepping into an elevator and seeing this guy waiting for you? No way, we’d rather take the stairs.

2. Get a Room!


This couple just couldn’t help themselves and decided to take advantage of the privacy of the elevator to get a little steamy. They probably didn’t realize that they were on camera.

At least they stopped before things got too R-rated. And they should be glad no one stepped into the elevator, that would have been awkward.

3. With Love


These girls are here to spread the love by spray-painting a heart on the wall of the elevator. Whether this is a sweet gesture or vandalism, at least the message isn’t rude.

These girls could get into a lot of trouble if they get caught. Did they not know they were being filmed?

4. Don’t Look at Me


This man clearly just wants to be left alone. He stood in the elevator with his head pressed into the corner for the entire ride. The other man even asked if he was alright but he didn’t respond.

His day could only get better from that point on, at least.

5. Boogie on Down


Elevator music is notoriously bad and mind-numbing, but this man apparently doesn’t agree. He is dancing like no one is watching-probably because he doesn’t think anyone is watching!

Maybe he just needs to let off a little steam from his high stress job as a policeman. We can understand that.

6. He’s Not Getting a Tip


Delivery drivers know the torture of having to deliver hot and fresh food that smells delicious. While the temptation must be pretty strong, they can’t just give in and eat it.

Apparently, no one must have told this delivery driver that. He just popped open the box and dug in.

7. Flash Mob Friday


Everyone knows the relief that comes with a Friday night. This group of police officers couldn’t quite contain their excitement as they headed to the bar for a drink and burst into a group dance.

At least they look like they are having a blast. This give us instantly a good mood, too!

8. Duly Noted


This husband and wife were getting a bit hot and heavy when the woman scribbled a note and passed it to him. We can’t be sure what she wrote, but he definitely seems pleased.

At least they kept their clothes on until they were out of the elevator. Maybe they noticed a camera was filming them.

9. Save the Day

Bild: Alex Zotov /

This poor pup had a terrible time on their elevator ride. The leash got caught on the elevator door without the owner noticing. The poor dog was pulled right off his paws!

Thankfully, a hero noticed and saved the day before anyone was hurt. But everyone must have been quite scared.

10. Not Funny


Most people have that fear that their elevator will malfunction just as it starts moving. This woman had her fear realized. As the elevator started moving it sped upwards way too fast!

It was a prank and no one was hurt, but she doesn’t seem to think it was funny.

11. Trapped For Hours

Bild: suriyachan /

Being trapped in an elevator for hours is one of the worst things that can happen. These people were stuck for two hours before the door finally opened. Except now, they were staring at a blank wall.

One man had had enough and punched through the wall to climb to safety.

12. Falling Through the Floor


Up there with some of the worst things that can happen on an elevator, this woman stepped in, chose her floor, and then the ground opened up beneath her.

Thankfully it was just another prank. She fell into a pit of slime and then got to safety. But what a horrible prank, we would never take the elevator ever again.

13. Nothing Suspicious Here


This footage might seem pretty normal. This pair got onto the elevator together and then off on another floor. But the woman returned to the elevator alone just a couple of minutes later.

Whatever reason she followed him up must not have been that important. Maybe she changed her mind?

14. Cry Me a River


This woman was clearly upset when she got onto the elevator. She managed to hold things together until the door closed, and she was alone. But then she cried her heart out for 25 floors.

Hopefully the poor woman had someone to comfort her when she got to her destination.

15. Never Forget Your Phone


This man left work on a Friday night expecting to have a relaxing weekend. What he didn’t expect was for the elevator to malfunction and trap him inside.

He was unable to call for help without his phone. He was trapped for 41 hours without food or water before he was found.

16. 5 Second Rule


This man entertained himself on his elevator trip by loudly chewing on some bubblegum and blowing pretty impressive bubbles. When he finally reached his floor he blew one more bubble and the gum flew straight out of his mouth.

After a quick glance around he picked up the gum and popped it back into his mouth.

17. Learn Some Manners

Bild: Imago / Shotshop

Riding with strangers on an elevator is usually spent in tense silence. Not this time. When this man decided to hit the buttons for every floor this woman wasn’t going to tolerate it.

By the end of the fight she had him pinned on the floor of the elevator. Hopefully he learned some manners.

18. Get Out and Stay Out

Bild: Imago / PhotoAlto

This woman wasn’t going to tolerate any childish behavior on her elevator. When this man decides to keep triggering the motion sensors to keep the elevator open, she makes her opinion known.

In the end, she pushed him straight out of the elevator and simply closed the door behind him.

19. A Bit of a Stretch


Personal space can be hard enough to maintain on an elevator. This woman certainly made things worse. She couldn’t seem to stop herself from doing some stretches in the elevator despite the limited space.

She nearly kicked the other woman in the face. No wonder she looks so ready to get off this ride.

20. Moonwalk


Another case of someone dancing in an elevator, this man broke out his best dancing once the door closed. He showed off some very impressive moves, too!

When the door opened he even gave a spin and moonwalked through the door. It was quite a show for the person watching the footage!

21. Absolutely Starving


Another case of a delivery person that just can’t resist the temptation of the delicious food they’re carrying. This man goes ever further and digs into a much larger meal, including a soup course!

At least he looked around to make sure he was alone before he dug in. We can’t imagine what he told the people who ordered the food!

22. A Slight Miscalculation

Bild: Pavel L Photo and Video /

No one wants to trek up flights of stairs unless they have to. This includes workmen who would otherwise have to cart this heavy piece of glass with them. These workmen measure the glass sheet and the elevator and even set a stand up to make sure it would be safe.

Someone didn’t measure quite right, though, and the glass got caught in the door when it closed. Thankfully no one was hurt when the glass was lifted.

23. Left Unattended


This little boy was getting bored waiting on his father. He had been standing in the middle of the motion sensor to keep the door open while he waited but he got too antsy to stand still.

He tried to use his umbrella to block the door, but it wasn’t big enough. The poor boy was trapped in the elevator for hours before they were able to get him out.

24. May the Force Be With You


This man was minding his own business on this elevator when suddenly a huge group of cosplayers danced in. Stormtroopers and Jedi and even Darth Vader crammed into the space leaving no room to move.

The poor guy looked absolutely horrified as they even started dancing. He got off the elevator as soon as he could.

25. Immediate Attraction


Despite not getting onto the elevator together it seems like it may have been fate for these two to meet. When they first see one another there is an undeniable attraction.

By the time the doors open on their floor, they are already kissing! When you know it’s the one, you just know.

26. If You’re Happy and You Know It


This woman looks absolutely thrilled when she enters the elevator. She is absolutely bouncing and her arms are positioned like she’s about to give a cheer. Who knows what’s got her so excited but it’s nice to see someone is obviously having a good day!

Hopefully her good mood continued after she got off of the elevator.

27. An Icy Reception


This woman couldn’t have known what she was walking into. This man is dressed as Sub Zero from the Mortal Kombat series and seems to have nothing better to do than hang out in the elevator waiting for someone to get on.

Hopefully she recognizes the costume, or he’ll get the cold shoulder.

28. Perfect place for a prank

Bild: HomeArt /

As we have seen before, the elevator seems to be a very much appreciated place to set pranks. The next one is using a technique know as freefall.

The elevator falls, allowing the people inside to float in the air, and then smoothly comes to a stop. Pretty cool when you are expecting it, but if you are surprised, you might just panic!

29. Falling for It


Another prank, this time for a YouTube channel. This man entered the elevator with no idea what was about to happen. As soon as the elevator started moving it seemed to free fall for four floors before it slowly ground to a stop.

This man seems to have taken it better than most would have.

30. An Awkward Situation


While this is another prank, it’s easy to imagine this happening normally. This couple made out loudly in an effort to embarrass and annoy their fellow passengers.

It seems to have worked as the bystanders do their best to avoid looking at them. Not sure if this is funny or just awkward.

31. Will You Marry Me?


These children are absolutely heartwarming. Theyl hid in the elevator together. One of the boys knelt down and pulled out a plastic ring from his pocket before offering it to the girl. She seems absolutely thrilled by the attention.

This boy is already more romantic than men three and four times his age.

32. Look at This


Many people dislike being watched by cameras, but this woman took it a step further. She seemed to know right where the camera was, staring at it the whole time she was inside.

Just before she walked out, she pulled her gum out of her mouth and used it to cover the lens. She didn’t even want to hide what she was doing.

33. Witnessing the situation

Bild: More Than Production /

This story actually goes on. Indeed, the lady was not the only person in the elevator. She was with a colleague and the director of the place.

Right after the incident, the director turned to the colleague to ask her what she thought of what just happened. She preferred to remain silent to stay out of any trouble.

34. Elevator Mascot


This kitty is a common sight in this elevator. She lives in one of the apartment but every morning she leaves home and walks to the elevator. She likes to ride the elevator up and down.

The other residents in the building love the company and always ensure she gets off of the elevator safely.

35. Stuck in the Elevator With You


The man in this footage couldn’t have imagined who would be riding with him this time. The man in white is a beekeeper carrying three boxes full of bees.

The man in blue looks horrified when he realizes what is in those containers. It was actually another prank and not real bees.

36. Go On Get Down


This woman seems to know the camera is there, but she doesn’t care. She goes all out, swaying and twerking the whole time. As soon as the door opens, she straightens and walks out like nothing happened.

Don’t let anyone stop you from expressing yourself. Even if it is only in elevators.

37. Single Ladies


This is another woman that just couldn’t resist the urge to dance once she was alone in the elevator. It seems to be a good place to dance.

She seems to be trying to do Beyonce’s Single Ladies dance. She’s not bad at it, either! Maybe she’s celebrating being alone for more than one reason.

38. Elevator Cinderella


This poor woman had to act quick to rescue her high heel. When she was exiting the elevator her heel got stuck in the gap and came right off. She had to get down on all fours to try and pry the heel free.

If only Prince Charming had come along to help her out.

39. Can’t Stop the Party


When the door to this elevator opened the woman was shocked to see a full on party going on inside including dancing and a disco ball. She seems pretty annoyed by it and storms off instead of asking to join in.

It might have improved her mood to let off some steam instead.

40. Breaking the Silence


These two men stood awkwardly in the elevator for a while before the younger man just started to dance. He was doing the Robot, but the older man wasn’t amused and said nothing.

At least he tried to make it less awkward. And at least, from where we stand, the situation is rather funny.