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40 Rare Moments Caught On Camera

Bild: Harry Collins Photography /

There is a lot that nature has in it and surprises us with different and new things. Many things are witnessed by our eyes but still we miss some of them. The nature inspired photographers try to make unique pictures out of nature.

There are many photographers who take unique photographs of natural things. Especially the animal photography is the one which can grab anyone’s attention. Animals cannot allow you to get great shots as they have amazing senses. But here are some random shots that will make you surprise and love the animals. They were taken by wildlife photographers and they turned out to be amazing.

1. Close Up Shots

When talking about normal photography of the people, you can ask them to pose for you. But how can you can request the wild life to pose. It can be really hard to capture the best and most amazing shots. But wild life photographers somehow manage to take shots of these cool animals in the cutest poses.

Here the raccoons seems like they are in a movie and you are watching the raccoon movies. You can see that the raccoon is fully dresses, curled his hair and now smiling in the camera to give the finest shot of his life.

2. Zombie Deer

Have you seen zombie movies in which the animals are also cursed? No, then here is a shot from real life where this deer seemed to be cursed, and now he looks like an amazing zombie standing tall. It seems like this deer has watched a zombie movie, and now he is trying to look like a zombie too.

Do you have problem while you stand upright? Check this deer out as he is looking like a real zombie. His arms are stretched out and it seems like he is going to chase his victim and will have an amazing dinner tonight.

3. Water Buck

We often see in the movies where deer or any other animals are jumping on the water or running on the water showing the amazing powers and abilities they have. But have you ever wondered if this scene comes true? Well, here is a unique photograph of a deer on the water.

Deer is jumping on the water like if he is wondering enjoy the life on water and imagine no one is watching. We do not know the exact location from which the photograph is taken. But it seems like the deer is Chinese descendant or lives in America and is trying to jump off a small lake.

4. Stand Like A Man

We have heard the words like stand like a man or stand straight as if you are a ruler in our morning assemblies of school. Yet, we still not stood the way our school teachers want us to. But what if an animal is standing like a man, more than a man. Hmmm, this point needs to be understood.

So, here we have a beer who is standing tall. He is stretching the hind legs and standing like a man. It seems like the mighty deer is having its day. Although he is standing straight, but it can be riskier, as he can break his bones. But anyway, the shot was amazing.

5. Lost In the Woods

We often forget our route and we do not know where to go. It is such a confusing time and we all are almost worried to find a path that can lead us where we have to go. It mostly happens when we go on adventurous trips and track the trails etc. But if someone clicks our photo in such situation, it will look funnier when we will see it later.

The same thing happened with these deer. We think that they are lost in the woods and they do not know where they have to go. They are almost on the road and they are worried.

6. Mission Escape

We often get really confused if something strange happens. Suppose, we are in the bank and the thief’s just break into the bank. Then we have to find the way to escape. It can be really depressing moment and no one will know where to go.

Similarly, these are many ducks and seems like they are trying to escape. From this picture, we can imagine that someone shot at ducks and most of them are falling down. As a result, the some who are left are trying to fly or escape. This is an amazing shot no doubt and it can be named as mission escape.

7. Fox Is Graduated

Suppose you just graduated and you are having your degree in your hand. Now, what will you do? In this era, we take selfies and photos immediately to show them to everyone. But what if you see a graduated fox? Yes, we are not kidding. Just look at this cute fox.

It seems like the fox has taken a photograph of soon to be graduated from its high school.  And then it is going to send it to the loved ones. Although fox is a cunning animal, but it is cute and it knows how to make the life worth enjoying in the jungle.

8. Let’s Party

We often love doing party on Saturday nights with our friends and family. We often go to bars, and clubs etc. And some party freaks can even party in the middle of nowhere while sitting in the cars and enjoying club music with full volume. But what if you see some animals enjoying the party?

Here is the best photograph of animals enjoying and partying and having full fun with each other. The two in the front are looking like that they are partying with full zest while the one is straight and seems like he is their driver and is only driving.

9. Best Reflection

Some moments come in our life that help us take the best shots of the whole life. If you are a photographer who take photos of natural beauty, then you might now that it is really hard to take the best photographs. Even if you are expert, still you will find it hard to capture amazing shots.

Here is the best reflection photo taken by a photographer and it proves to be the best photograph. The components in the shot makes it more attractive and worth staring at. The perspective is just perfect and the reflection is totally motionless, as a result, the shot is amazing too.

10. Pro Mountain Climber

We are afraid of frost bites when we are trying to climb the mountains. But it seems easy for the animals as they can easily reach the points. Many animals that live on the mountains can also feel it difficult to climb when it is snowing. Now, we are here with the pro mountain climber.

Here is an amazing picture of bobcat who is climbing the mountaintop without any fear and it seems like he is climbing for hours. He have reached the top of the mountain because of his consistency. And you may see that he will have yummy things to eat all his way like frozen birds and rodents.

11. Rafter and Kings

We often have seen in many culture that the people bow down to their king. Here is another example of animals bowing down. In animals, there is also a rule where they all follow the leader and obey him. So, we can say that may be they are the prince.

Here is rafter of turkey princess. Rafter is actually called the community of turkeys. This is an amazing shot taken by the photographer and it seems like there is a trio of prince who rule over the rafter and all other turkeys are bowing in front of them. It is well the best photo.

12. Death in the Eyes

Although we all are afraid of death. But have you ever imagined the wild cats attacking on you? Lions and tigers although look amazing but they can easily attack you and you will not have time to run. This picture illustrates the time when you are in front of the wild cat and it is going to attack you.

It can be the worst thing to sit in front of the killer who is already waiting for the victim and trying to kill it just by one move. You can see the death in the eyes of this wild cat. And thanks God that it is just a shot. If this tiger was looking straight into my eyes like this, I’d died before he’d attacked me.

13. Mr. Turkey on Thanksgiving

On Thanksgiving Day, we rewind everything that we did past year and we are expecting the things in return that we did. It can be in a good way or a bad way. But have you ever imagined how animals would look on the Thanksgiving Day? If not then take a look at this shot.

It seems like turkey is on the thanks giving day and he knows that he had been nice the whole year. That is why he is well aware that he will get the best gift and he is only one who is standing to get the gift for him. You may say that he is on his way to receive the gift.

14. Eagle – King of Birds

Just like the lion is king of the animals, eagle is the king of birds. You will see the grace in the Eagles and passion in the eagles’ flight. The claws, the feathers, the neck, everything is amazing. This is the reason I love the eagles a lot. Here is the shot captured showing eagle as the king.

Here is the photograph of the bald wild eagle who is catching his prey. He is not catching a bird or rodent but a 15 pound deer. This is giant weighted deer and the eagle is holding it with the beak. Can you imagine that eagle can take this to his nest?

15. Walking On the Trail

When hiking and taking trips, we try to walk on the trails. There are two reasons for walking on the trails. One is that we will not get lost and other is that we can hike over trails safely and soundly. Now, what if the animals do the same thing?

Here is a shot where wolves are walking of the trails. They are trying to save the effort and energy by walking on the road that has least resistance. So, who will waste the time walking on an uneasy road if you have got a safe smooth road? The wolves are wise!

16. Let’s Fight

We have seen many animals fighting. But most of them are pals and are fighting and playing together where they make sure that they do not hurt their friend at all. Here is a picture of cute animals who are fighting and it seems like it is one on one competition between the both.

You might be excited to see the picture. But do not get excited because they both are not friends of each other. Rather they are competing for the beaver carcass. The beaver is out of the sight but have you ever seen buddies fighting over these little things?

17. Let’s Swim

Swimming in cold weather is only possible if the water is not cold and it will not let you die. We, humans are not able to swim or even take a bath in cold water if the temperature falls a bit. Same goes for the animals. They are also afraid of catching cold. Now, what will you do in such cases?

Here is a picture of bear who is using the bridge to cross the river. Mostly, American black bears weight can easily reach up to 550 pounds and the average is 220 pounds. The bears can swim very well but this bear fears of cold and choses to walk over the bridge.

18. Think About the Future

We almost start thinking about the future and do not know what is happening around us. Have you ever thought that animals too might be thinking about the future and what will happen in their future? If not then you are missing the great thing.

We have chosen a perfect shot for you where you can see the animal is thinking something deep. It can be captioned future scientist. This little coyote is thinking something really deep in the middle of jungle. This picture is clearly sowing if he is thinking about his future and what will happen next. The scenery is also lovely.

19. Strength

Tigers and lions have got charisma in them and no doubt they look amazing. You will find the best and most amazing shots of lions and the tigers on the internet. We have also found a best shot of the wild cat that you will be amazed to look at.

Here is the picture of the wild cat who did an acrobatic and of course the most elegant hop over the tree that is fallen. This shot was taken by an Oregon Professor while he was on his trail. And he took this shot by his SLR camera. This picture shows the strength of tiger.

20. Time to Take Off

There is a misconception that birds cannot fly. Some birds that cannot fly still fly a bit. You might have seen hens or ducks taking off a bit and then falling to ground. Yes they can only fly in such way. If you still don’t believe this thing. Then here is a click showing the birds flying.

The wild turkeys can fly over small and short distances easily. Especially during the night time, they roost in the tree. The domestic turkeys cannot fly because they have gained a lot of weight which their feathers cannot carry and they stay on the ground.

21. Perfect Shot

It requires a lot of effort to make a picture and edit it. Taking a perfect picture depends on luck and yes this photographer was lucky to click such an amazing photo. Have you look at this picture how making it look and how the color combination looks perfect?

It is our shot taken from a small trail Camp the mosaic is amazing and the photo is also amazing. It seems like someone has created an artificial mosaic just to make the shot look better. It is not a fake picture. But is an amazing picture sowing beauty of the nature. 

22. Two Bucks

We might have seen the bucks in Brown or dark brown color and they look amazing they are the beauty of the nature. Most cameraman have captured the deer is in Black or brown colors but here we have something amazing to show you.

In the whole white background you might have seen the brown deer over there and you might have not same something else. Look deeper in the picture and you will see something else and albinos specie of buck sitting over in the front and showing the diversity of beauty. Yes, it is no doubt an amazing shot.

23. Relaxing in Afternoon

You might have seen your cat relaxing in the afternoon or cleaning itself with the tongue. It is one of the most favorite things that cat loves to do. No matter at which part of the world the cats live they all have the same hobbies. Is a photo of a wild cat. We think that it is the time for relaxing in the afternoon.

Cats have the same hobbies where do they live, what they have, what species they are, or what position they are. In this picture you can see a tiger licking his body and we can think that he is taking an afternoon Detox.

24. Ready for Office

About 90% of us are not ready to go to offices on Monday. Mondays are the worst days and we are all in our bad situations but have you ever taught what animals would look like if they would go to the offices on Monday.

Here is a picture which illustrates that what would an animal look like if he go into the office on Monday. It seems like the animal was late for the work and he even not had a time to drink a cup of coffee. Not only this but it looks like that he had to walk to work.

25. Love Is In the Air

Bild: Sasikrisa /

Animals are having emotions too. You have seen the animals getting angry and animals fighting over small things. But have you ever seen animals intimating with each other and sharing the most precious moments with each other.

Here is a picture of two young or elder animals sharing the most intimate moments of the life. The camera has captured the beauty of nature where the two species are intimating with each other making beautiful scene. Don’t you think that it looks very beautiful? We think it is the best moment captured by our camera. This picture definitely deserves love and applause.

26. Get More Points

The way we have considered some stereotypes to look more masculine or look more feminine. The animals also have some stereotypes to look more masculine or feminine or active and strong. They have to reach standard to look what they want.

So here we are sharing the picture of buck. We think that he has got some points to consider himself as more masculine. Are you ready to give him many points? He is just like the one who is going to show some power and strength to others to make himself the best of all. We think it is the perfect picture in which he is showing the strength.

27. Deer man

We make poses to look charming and attractive. But have you thought why animals pose? They also pose to show that they are strong and maybe cute. You might have made picture posing like a lion or a cat or any of your favorite animals. But have you ever looked animals making poses?

Here is the picture of a deer posing its best. The eyes look great and the forearms are looking like the legs. It seems that deer is inspired by humans and he is posing like a man to show some manly skills and manly looks. Maybe to impress his mates.

28. Teamwork

Raccoons are very cute and they look perfect. There are many viral shots of raccoons in which they behave in a funny way. They not only look cute but you might be thinking that they are either super genius or they are drunk. Here we have another amazing shot of raccoons.

Just look at this cute picture of raccoons. What caption would you give to them?  You can say that they are trying to climb a wall. Or maybe they have lined up to get the food from above. Anyways, this picture looks amazing and this shot seems to be cute.

29. Let’s Sing

Bild: Alexander Sviridov /

This picture looks amazing if you look at it at once. Here is a pack of wolves howling. But if you look closer, it seems like they are singing and try to sing as louder as they can. Just like us, they are enjoying each other’s company and spending the best time of life with each other.

This picture no doubt looks cool and perfect and you can set it as a poster showing the unison of the wolves. But after looking at it for few minutes, you will start thinking that if it is a group of singers and they are rehearsing the song they are about to sing.

30. Best back ride

Bild: kavram /

Have you ever taken the back ride on your favorite animals like camel, horses or any other cattle? It is no doubt an amazing experience that you will ever have. But now we are here with something else to show you that is not only amazing but also perfect.

Here is the time to show you an amazing back ride on a buffalo. It is a picture illustrating a buffalo enjoying and giving a ride to its pal on the back. It this thing was not captured in the cam, no one could ever know that a small animal can have an amazing ride on the buffalos’ back.

31.  A Wrong Neighborhood

Have you ever gone in a wrong apartment and everyone starts staring at you. If not, then you might have gone in a wrong classroom when you were in your school. And you might have seen the stares. They are mostly unforgettable.

And here is a picture that illustrates the same situations mentioned above. It is kind of scary picture that is showing that you have messed up with wrong group and now they are planning to attack you. Well although it is most scary picture but it can be the funniest picture too. We love this picture as it shows that you have been to a whole new place.

32. Flying Squirrel

You might have seen the squirrels in your neighborhood. They look very cute and you will definitely love to spend time with these cool and most cute species. There are many types of squirrels and you can see different in different areas.

Have you seen a flying squirrel? Here we have got the best shot for you showing a flying squirrel. It looks terrifying more than a cute. We do not know what a squirrel can do to an animal like a deer. But if a squirrel if flying in this way and heading towards us, we will definitely try to run away and scream.

33. Mommy and Baby Bear

Bears and Gorillas have many habits just like humans. But there is much more that you are missing out of them. Here we have taken the best shot of the century where you can look a mommy bear and a baby bear. It is cute and most beautiful picture that you will ever see.

This is one of the cutest picture of bear with the kid. We know that if you will look at this picture, you will definitely fall in love with it. You will think that how cute these bears look. We do not know that why are they trying to reach over there. But anyways it seems cute.

34. Let’s Dive Into It

Flying birds over animals look amazing and definitely cute. You might have seen flying sparrow’s, pigeons, Eagles and parrots etc. flying in the open air. But have you looked at this amazing photograph. Here is something else that you will see.

Just like the previous picture of Deer being hunted. Here is an another picture of dear who is running and the Owl trying to catch him. We don’t now for what reason after the deer but do you seems to be terrified and running out of pain. But anyways, it is a great picture taken by the cam we rarely see such pictures.

35. Best Mother

Animals are also affectionate towards their children just like the way we are. So, you might have witnessed many animals showing love to their children in many ways. You might be thinking how an animal can take care. Firstly, they feed them, then train them and also protect them.

Here is a picture of mommy fox who is showing us that a mother is a mother no matter if she is animal or a human. So, this mother fox is standing straight to feed all her children. It looks really sweet and cute the way she is taking care of children.

36. Raccoons Night Out

Night outs are one of the best things that you can do with your favorite people. We hang out with our friends, family or anyone we love to hang around and stay with them at nights. But have you ever thought what would the animals look like if they spend a night out together?

Here is the cutest picture of the raccoons and it seems like they are enjoying the life at full. This picture illustrates that the raccoons are having the best days of their life. It seems that they are enjoying the time with each other and giving each other the company.

37. Real Life Disney Movie

Disney movies are favorite of almost all of us. We love to watch them over and again. The characters of Disney movie like Cindrella, Rapunzel and many other Disney princesses are brought to life. But what if you see an animal in real life directly showing the effect of Disney movie.

Movie Lion King is a full fledge illustration of this picture. It reminds of the movie lion king where meerkat was riding on hog. But it almost seems the same and scenes look familiar. You can clearly tell that these two are best friends enjoying life at full with each other.

38. Last Time Trailer Cam Was okay

Taking pictures of wildlife can be a hectic because you do not know how the animals will react. For this reason, the trailer cams are set in distances to capture the moments of the animals and share with the world. Moreover, they are set to see what animals do when there is no one around.

The shot was taken when the cam was almost broken. It seems like a naughty animal tried to break it. And yes it was caught red handed on the cam and luckily cam took the culprits’ half image. Seems cool yet amazing that how could a cam capture the funniest movement.

39. Match

Most of us had watched wrestling or boxing matches on TV. Even if we are not interested watching them. Still a point comes where the interest is developed and we look the match carefully. Both the opponents are fighting with each other and it is quite intense.

Have you looked a match of wildlife animals? Here is a picture taken and it seems that there is a match going on. Both animals look intense and are looking at each other as if they are waiting to attack each other and are in the ring. I think it’s the most intense situation so far.