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20 Rules For Cleaning Home and Making It Smell Good

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If you are having a home or you live in someone’s house. Then you might have experienced how difficult it can be to manage and maintain the home all by yourself. People find out hacks and tricks to clean the houses all by themselves. But they can still have problems regarding cleaning.

The major problem that may occur is how to make your home smell good and refreshing. You might have visited someone’s house, and it smells terrible. In this case, you will not even be able to eat or drink something.  Now put yourself in such a situation and think what others might be thinking.

1. Using Sprays

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Suppose you enter someone’s house and you feel a good and freshening smell. You will definitely love that house and will prefer to stay for a longer time. Fragrances play a vital role in building an impression. So, the way you put sprays on yourself, you must add sprinkles in your house too.

There are many air fresheners in the market. But try to buy the one that has no chemicals that may cause allergy. Try to buy the freshening sprays and air fresheners rather than purchasing those that smell like flowers etc. This is because some people are allergic to some scents.

2. Flowers That Smell Great

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Suppose your entrance to the house starts from open air. Then you cannot use air fresheners because they will not last long. Now, it’s time to buy some beautiful and colorful flowers. Firstly, they will give a refreshing look to the house, and secondly, their fragrance will make the guests pleased.

Try to buy small flower pots and add different flowers that smell great. Flowers like roses, jasmine, etc., can give the best smell and will refresh you and your guests. So, before the guests appear, make sure to turn on the fan that is near them or use a small toy fan under pots so their fragrance can spread in the air.

3. Buy Hangings

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The more you will search, the more possibilities are there that you will find amazing products for your home. We have been searching very long that what products can make the house smell best and luckily, we have found the best product so far.

Although these products are not new to the market, but some of you might still not about them. You can buy hangings that have envelopes in them, and inside of them, there is the scent. So, you can hang them anywhere you want to, and they will give amazing scents. They are commonly known as cupboard hangings or scent hangings.

4. Use Phenyl Or Other Floor Cleaners That Smell Amazing

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You might not have noticed this thing, but the wet floor can spread a very unpleasing smell. This usually happens when there is no air around the house, and you just washed the floor or mopped with a wet towel or cloth. Although the things used might be clean. But still, it will give a nasty smell.

The first thing to get rid of this smell is to use phenyl. It will give a fragrance and also will keep your floor clean from germs, bacteria, and insects, etc. But some of you might not like the smell of phenyl. You may use the scented floor cleaners, and a pleasing fragrance will spread in the house.

5. Cleaning Corners Daily

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Have you ever entered the house and you smell something nasty even you cleaned the house before leaving? This smell also crosses even sometimes when you are sitting. You might be wondering what it is and how you can get rid of it. This smell is caused by the dirt that is gathered in corners.

You might be cleaning the house daily and regularly. But still, it stinks a lot. This happens when you do not clean the corners thoroughly. They start to smell foul and stink a lot. To overcome this, you have to clean the corners whenever you are cleaning the house.

6. Using Vinegar and Baking Powder

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Vinegar and baking powder is more than a kitchen item. They are an all-rounder, and you can use them anywhere in the house when you want urgent cleaning. So, we are here to tell you some amazing hacks that will help you get rid of the unusual smell.

 If your sink, dishwasher, or any drain stinks a lot. Then you can use vinegar and baking powder to get rid of the smell and get a refreshing fragrance. Firstly add boiled water to the places where it stinks. After the water dries out, add vinegar and baking powder and after 15 minutes, wash the place. The smell will fade away.

7. Throwing Trash at A Different Place

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Trash can give the worst smell. And if your house stinks because of trash, then it’s time to think. If your house is closed, and you have no place to put the trash. Then take big trash bags and throw the garbage in them. Do not reuse them as they will cause a nasty smell.

But if you have open space in the house. Then you can choose either the backside of the place where nobody goes. Or choose a corner which you can easily clean daily. As a result, the smell will not spread in the house. Moreover, if possible, try to place flowers that smell great at the place where you have to put the trash.

8. Washing Bathrooms Twice A Day

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Washrooms are a big source of spreading nasty smells that you cannot even handle. Closing the doors of washrooms is not enough. You have to do something else too. So, to get rid of the nasty and worst smell, you have to follow our hacks.

Clean the washroom thoroughly at least once a day. But you have to wash it or refresh it twice a day. So, it won’t smell foul. Moreover, when washing the washroom, use detergents or cleaning agents that give a refreshing fragrance. As a result, your bathroom will not stink. And your house will also not get stinky smells.

9. Leave Hangings Under Beds

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As we already told you about the hangings. Most people use them in living rooms or guest rooms. But what if someone visits your bedroom or comes over for a night’s stay and smells that stink. Now, it’s time to think.

Have you brought the hangings? Then it’s time to use them in your bedroom. So, if your bed has under spaces, you can hang the hangings over there. But if your bed does not have spaces. Then you can hand them with curtain rails, with the corner of a bed or even with a dressing table. They will give a light, pleasant and mesmerizing smell.

10. Use Old Perfumes And Body Sprays

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Have you ever thought about how you can make your home worth staying for? The thing that comes prior to looks is how it smells. This is because if your house does not smell well. Then most of the people will not prefer to stay at your home.

You can use old body sprays and perfumes that are finished to make your house smell great. All you have to do is take a half bucket of water and put the bottle of body spray in it. Then take a clean cloth that you use for cleaning the floor. And before cleaning, dip it in the water.

11. Spray On Curtains and Sofas

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Do you have the most refreshing air fresheners? But still, the fragrance fades away! Now, it’s time to think about a permanent solution. Firstly, you have to buy air fresheners that do not contain any chemicals that leave marks on fiber, etc.

After buying a perfect air freshener, you have to think about this hack now. Rather than spraying in the air, you should spray the air fresher over sofas or curtains of your house. Moreover, you can use your scents and spray a bit on curtains and other things like mattresses and sofas, etc. The smell won’t fade away.

12. Sprinkle Baby Powder on Mattress

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Does your mattress give a smell like an old cloth soaked in water? Or does it seem boring to lay down on a mattress, and you want something refreshing? Here, we have a perfect solution for you. All you have to do is follow our simple yet easy hack.

Buy a baby powder and sprinkle a bit of it over the mattress. Then clean the mattress by using your hands. It will give a unique and soothing smell that will please you whenever you will lay on the bed. You must follow and try this hack at least once. And we are sure that you will love the hack.

13. Do Not Eat in Bedrooms

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Do you clean your bedroom daily? Does your bedroom still stink even if you take a lot of care? This thing usually happens with most of the people, and they do not know why this happens. We will tell you about it that why this thing happens and how to get rid of the smell.

Firstly, you have to stop eating in the bedroom. No matter how much you care about cleanliness. If you eat in the bedroom, it will leave a stinky smell. So, make sure you do not eat and use a dining hall instead. As soon as you will follow our advice, you will get rid of that stinky and unpleasing smell.

14. Using Vinegar and Dry Cloth to Clean Windows

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Stains on the windows can ruin the whole look of your house. Window cleaning is one of the most essential and significant chores that you must not neglect. But sometimes, your windows can give a nasty smell right after you clean them.

To get rid of that smell, you have to follow a simple trick. Take a clean cloth and a vinegar bottle in hand. Firstly, clean the window with cloth from one side. Now spray a small amount of vinegar on the window and wipe it off. The vinegar will clean the glass immediately and will also leave a refreshing smell.

15. Cleaning The Drains

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Sometimes, your house is all clean, and you are all set to relax. But suddenly, a wave of stinky air can come, and you can get worried about it. It comes from small drain holes that are in the kitchen, washroom, and laundry, etc. Now it’s time to clean them all.

For this, you have to take a bucket of hot water and through it slowly into the drain. After throwing it, you have to wait a while. Now, take vinegar and baking soda. Put some baking soda on the drains and then add vinegar to baking soda. It will help you get rid of the smell quickly and easily.

16. Open Windows While Cooking


The smell of your favorite meals in the house can make you feel happy and a bit hungry. But this smell can cause a really bad impact on the guests that you have in the house. After a while, this tasty smell can turn into stinky air. What should you do to avoid it?

We have a simple tip for you. Leave the windows open whenever you are cooking. The fumes and smoke will fade away, and there will be no smell in the house. You can also turn on the exhaust fans to get rid of the smell of the meal that you are cooking.

17. Use Exhaust Fans

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Some people think that exhaust fans are only for the kitchen. But they can be used in many places other than kitchens. You can use exhaust fans in washrooms, living rooms, guest rooms, and even bedrooms. They help in the circulation of air and get rid of the unusual smell.

Make sure that you have exhaust fans, at least in washrooms and kitchens. So, you get rid of the nasty smells that gather in your house for no reason. Using exhaust fans will also help you in the circulation of the air in the house, and you will have fresh air all over the house.

18. Leave The Doors Open At least One Hour A Day.


Closed doors can gather fumes and stinky gases in them. No matter how clean you make the house. If you do not take care of air circulation, it will start stinky from every place. For this, you have to leave the doors and windows open whenever it is possible.

You can also use wall hangings with doors and windows. So, if anyone opens them, they can breathe in the air filled with fragrance too. The close homes are also prone to mold and fungus. So to get rid of that, you must open the doors and windows of your house.

19. Using Soups with Fragrance

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Although soup with no fragrance kills bacteria and germs, but for some special reasons, you must also place a soup with perfumes in it. It will make the washroom smell great after each wash. You can place both soups and let the guests choose whatever they want.

Moreover, you can take a plastic bag that has little pores inside it. And then take the soup and wrap it in a wet wipe. After wrapping it, place it inside the plastic bag and put it in the corner of your washroom. It will spread the most amazing smell in the washroom that will give a fresh feel.

20. Open the Exhaust After Using Washroom

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As we already have discussed, the importance of exhaust above. Now, we will tell you how they can help in making your bathroom less stinky and smell free.

Exhaust fans are necessary for every washroom. Whenever the guests arrive, make sure that your exhaust fans are kept continuously on. They will help in the circulation of air and let the stinky air get out of the washroom. Moreover, you will not have to worry about the washroom cleaning after every use. So, exhaust fans in the washrooms are necessarily important. If you do not have any fans, you must install at least one in the kitchen and one in the washroom.