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40 Home Cleaning Remedies

Bild: Africa Studio /

Cleaning the homes can be a great mess and it is quite difficult to clean if you do not kno0w about the products. Some of the products even do not function properly and create a huge mess. We know it can be hard and challenging for you to clean the home all alone.

We have got 40 easy tips and tricks which you can use and clean your home very easily. Moreover, these remedies will help you in getting a clean and best home of all the time. Read all 40 tricks and tips if you want to clean the home quickly and efficiently.

Refreshing the Mattresses

Image: YouTube/Clean My Space

When mattress are used over time, they have no aroma in them and they start to smell. Most mattress in moist areas start smelling like unwashed clothes and there can be bed bugs and mites in mattresses too. You must clean the furniture and mattress if you want a smell free home.

Here is an easy step to clean the mattresses and furniture’s. You have to take baking soda and essential oils and sprinkle all over the places that can give smell. After that, you have to wait for a while and then vacuum the mixture. Hence, your mattress will give pleasant smell and this mixture will kill mites too.

Stain Removal by Shaving Cream

Image: YouTube/AdamDiddy

Do you know that shaving cream can also help in cleaning stains? Well, shaving creams are best in dissolving the stains that appear on fixtures like shower heads, faucets and mirrors etc. Some stains do not go off no matter what. But if you want to remove them. Then you must try shaving creams at least once.

Have you ever looked at the drains in your bathrooms and wondered what those are? It can be anything like beverage, hair dye, and even the stains of blood. These stains do not go off easily. And no matter what, they remain the same. So, all you have to do is spread the shaving cream over stains and wait for 15 minutes. It will clean the surface.

Clean the Garbage Disposer

Bild: Vineyard Perspective /

The garbage disposers usually get covered with the gunk. You cannot see it easily, and you do not even notice it until there is an odd smell in the area. Usually the drain garbage disposer get covered with dirt and stuff that can cause unpleasing smell.

Now, you have to take the baking soda and the lemon juice and start scrubbing it. Take an old brush and scrub it just like the way you brush your teeth. It can make the smell and the pests go away. Even the mixture of baking soda and lemon can dissolve the food particles too and leave the blades neat and clean.

Pour Baking Soda in your Drain

Bild: EKramar /

A clogged sink is something that happens every now and then, but it’s still always frustrating when you have to find a solution for it. We know that! We have a great trick for you, with which you can solve the problem. Just try it for yourself!

To do this, you simply need to boil water and pour it down the drain. Once the water is gone, add baking soda and the same amount of vinegar. After that, leave it for 10 minutes and remove the whole thing with boiling water. Have a look at our next great hack, you will be surprised!

Put a Toilet Paper Roll under the Seat

When we first saw this picture, we did not really know what was going on. But when we discovered what it was all about, we couldn’t help thinking that it was genius.

Indeed, this hack solves a problem that we all have experienced at least once in our lives: going to the toilet and noticing too late that there is no more toilet paper.

Here, the person who finished the toilet paper roll did not know where to find new rolls. So, instead of just leaving the paper empty for the next person to notice, he put the paper roll like this. This way, the next person could not even use the toilet without noticing that there was no more paper.

Pour Dish-Soap in Your Toilet

A clogged toilet is something we all hate to deal with. Fortunately, with this hack, you will be able to solve it with an item that everyone has at home: washing up soap. This hack will even help you prevent you toilet from getting clogged, so that you don’t ever have to fix it again.

For the hack, you need washing up soap and warm water. Put a good squirt of it in your toilet. When it reaches the bottom, pour in warm, not boiling, water. Then wait 20-30 minutes. Eventually, just flush the whole thing down. This will clear the blockage in no time.

Dirty Brushes

Image: YouTube/Pril Arabia

Do you know that you can do many other things using a dish washer? You cannot only clean dishes but you can wash several other useful things. Using a dishwasher you can easily clean the sponges, toys, soap pads and combs etc. Not only this, but you can also clean the hairbrushes using the dishwashers.

There are more than 35000 bacteria that live in hairbrushes. So, washing the hairs in hair brushes can help you a lot. This is because the dish washer not only cleans or washes but it also sanitizes everything with heat. If you do higher heat setting. Then there are more chances that you can kill more germs.

Cleaning Hood of the Kitchen Range


Your kitchen can become full of grease if you cook a lot. Most of the time, this grease sticks on the hood of kitchen range. This can make you feel uncomfortable while cooking because it gives the ugly look. For this, you have to take baking soda with hot water. Heat the water and then stir baking soda into it.

Suppose there is a thick layer of grease or you want to clean more surface. Then you have to add more baking soda in it. You can purchase one box of baking soda and then use it. Now, take the body of vent and dip in the solution. Baking soda will start dissolving the grease.

Clean Your Keyboards

Image: YouTube/eHow

Most of us eat while sitting around the computer. This can lead to several things. The food particles can get stuck into the keys of the keyboard. The particles that are lighter than air can settle down in the keys. And if you ignore for long, they can make the keys loose or they will not function properly.

Do you know that that the dust particles settle down and form a layer on the keys? This layer is made up of dust particles and they settle down when they start to become heavy than the air. Now, what if you want to take them out? Stick the post notes on the keys and clean the particles.

Cleaning the Ceiling Fans

Image: YouTube/ehowathomechannel

Ceiling fans can help a lot o=in summers and they are a great form of ventilation. But cleaning the ceiling fans can be really hard and messy. Most people even do not clean the fans. But you can easily clean the fan by a sock or a pillow case. It can make your cleaning work easier and you can get rid away of all the mess.

You have to turn the socks inside out and then cover the fan by rubbing it. But you can also use a pillow case and catch the dust. Make sure the fabric is not smooth enough. You can easily wipe the dust off without making it fall everywhere.

Using the Clear Alcohol to Clean the Stains

Image: YouTube/Dallas Maids

Suppose you have a carpet and there are stains on it. It will look messier. The stains can be of anything even if you cook the meat or fish with oils, they can also bring stains on the carpet. The stains are not specifically dark. But they can be light too.

Now, you can easily clear the stains by clear alcohol. You can use vodka or any other clear alcohol to remove them. All you have to do is pour them and then rub on the stain. They can save you from spending extra money and effort on the carpet.

Cleaning the Pet Hair

Image: YouTube/iScaper1

The pet hair in the house can make it look messy. But you can clean the hair by using the squeegee that you use to clean the cars. This squeegee can help you reach the corners very easily. As a result, you can do a deeper cleaning.

Squeegee can help you a lot to reach a long the corners and small areas which you cannot cover. You can easily reach the corners of the sofas and beds. Moreover, you can reach the edges of the baseboards. You can also clean the corners that are on the top by using squeegee. Pet hair can go anywhere in the house at any corner. So, you can clean the hair from wherever you want to.

Cleaning the Coffee Grinder

Image: YouTube/Home Cooking

You cannot have a clean coffee grinder throughout the day. And cleaning the grinder can be hard and challenging. The grounds of the coffee can get into the crevices and also around the rims of the bowl. And it also sticks in the parts of blades and other parts. The grounded material can settle down and stuck over there.

Even the fine grains that are accumulated in the coffee grinder start to discolor the blades and the parts of the grinder. You can use the stale of the bread to clean the grinder.  Cover the blades and bottom of the grinder with stale of the bread. It will catch the particles.

Gutter Cleaning In Winter

Image: 123switch

Nobody has ever thought to clean the gutters on the house, especially in the winters. You must know that it is also a chore in addition to other household works. Like you do yard cleaning, you also must do gutter cleaning. The best time to clean the gutters in time right after winter when the spring begins.

You can remove all the garbage and all the gunk that is stuck in the gutter by using the chunks of ice and debris. You can easily remove the leaves through them and get rid of leaves that fall into the gutter in the winter weather.

Tub Cleaning

Image: YouTube/Andrea Jean Cleaning

Have you ever though how you can use vinegar and baking soda as a solvent to clean the tub? We will tell you here. Firstly, make a solvent using one cup of vinegar and half cup of baking soda. Now, mix this thing in the hot water and then pour onto the surface. Wait for 5 minutes.

After that, fill the tub with hot water and wait until 5 more minutes. Then release the water through the drain.  This mixture will easily dissolve the stains and will clean the tub efficiently and quickly. So, you must do this hack at least one and share your experience with us.

Cleaning With Bathroom Tissue Roll

Image: imgur/beeanchor

When the toilet paper is finishes, then there is a brown cardboard that we often throw away as it is of no use at all. But it can be useful for some reasons. You can use it with vacuum and make a crevice cleaner easily.

It is best for using under dark and damp places in the bathroom that you cannot usually reach.  You can clean them easily and get rid of dirt. Moreover, you can also clean the cabinet corners, shower windows and the Areas underneath the toilet. You may also use a nozzle to keep it clean and look fresh.

Clean the Cutting Boards

Image: YouTube/Life is Made with Katie Miles

You cut most of the eatable on the cutting board. Whether it is meat, fruits or anything else, you can use a cutting board to chop them and cut them properly. But do you know that you have to do a thorough cleaning of the cutting board. It is not only for killing the germs but also for removing the food items.

So, for this you have to make a mixture of salt and lemon juice. It will help the cutting board to be cleaned easily and can easily remove the food particles that settle on the cutting board. Not only this, but you can also remove the stains using the cutting boards.

Clean the Dirty Drains

Image: YouTube/ehowhome

You can also clean the dirty drains easily all by yourself. The clogs can become free of dirt and mess due to the chemical reactions. The best way to clean the clogs is using the baking soda and the vinegar. There are several things that settle in drains like hair etc.

Firstly, you have to pour down the hot water into the drain. After that, you have to put half cup of baking soda into the drain. Right after that, you have to put the vinegar in it and then wait for some time. Now you have to wait until the mixture sits down and then clean it.

Lemon Oils

Image: YouTube/essortment

You can use the lemon oils as the aromatic solvent in the oven. You can use the essential lemon oils because they are the best cleaning agents so far. Even most of the experts say that if you add lemon oils into the chemicals, they can act as best cleaning agents.

Basically, the lemon oils are the additives that are mixed with the chemicals and they can give the same level of cleaning. Moreover, you can easily clean the oven in very less time even by scrubbing a little. Lemon oils are safe than many other toxic chemicals and clean everything naturally.

Using Wet Paper Towel

Bild: Victoria 1 /

You always have to clean the grill thoroughly, and it always needs extra cleaning. The best and the easiest way to clean the grill is using the paper towels. You have to follow a simple trick here. All you have to do is clean the grill with a paper towel when it is very hot. After that, use a thin blanket to cover the grill.

The grease will bake and settle into the paper towels. As soon as the steam breaks apart from oil and water, it will settle in the paper towel. When the grill cools down, just peel the paper towel off, and you will have a shiny grill by the end of the day.

Cleaning stains with clear alcohol

Image: YouTube/Marriage & Motherhood

The stains on the couch are very hard to clean, and cleaning them with chemicals can cause them to discolor. But there is a safe and easy method to that can remove the stains quickly and efficiently. This method is using the clear alcohol. Any clear alcohol such as vodka can help remove the stains.

It is far better than any other tip. All you have to do is pour some alcohol on the stains and rub it until the stains fade away. Your couches will be clean and stain free due to this trick, and you will have no worry at all regarding the stain.

Cleaning Blinds

Image: YouTube/HomeAdvisor

The dust and the grime can easily stuck on to the window grimes and it can be really hard to clean them. They can be seen easily and all you have to do is urgent cleaning. It can be a hard and messy job if you are only cleaning the blinds. 

For this, turn the old socks upside down. The fluffy side must be kept in inner side because it cannot catch the dust particles as much as the other side. Now, wipe the surface of the wind blinds and clean the dust particles with the socks thoroughly. Hence, they will look clean again.

Cleaning the Air Vents using the butter knives

Bild: New Africa /

You can use the old butter knives to clean the crevices of those places that are hard to reach. Suppose your air vents get the dust particles stuck in them, then you have to clean them on regular basis. Suppose you do not clean them. Then they will heat up whenever the AC will start.

You can use the old and decommissioned butter knife to clear the dust and dirt and also clean the vents of windows in the rooms. You can use the old kitchen utensils for cleaning and other household activities rather than throwing them away and not utilizing.

Using Coffee Filters

Bild: Thornteechach Thanutsupar /

All electronic machines can become dusty and dirt. The dirt in the electronics gather, and it is really hard to remove the dirt because there is grime gathered around the surface. Now, some of you might be thinking to use the cleaning agents. But those cleaning agents are harmful for the electronics.

Some people also use air can for cleaning the electronics. But you cannot have an air can with you all the time.  Even some people do not use the air cans for cleaning. You can use the coffee filters for efficient cleaning as they capture the dust and dirt easily.

Cleaning Vacuum by seam ripper

Image: YouTube/Margaret Hartman

You can use a seam ripper for cleaning the vacuum head.  It can help in efficient cleaning of the vacuum in a very short time. The seam ripper is the best option than any other thing. Seam ripper easily removes the strands of fiber, hair and threads from the vacuum’s head. These things wound around the rollers and cause difficulty while cleaning.

If you do this thing, it will keep the vacuum clean of the filth that creates the smell while the vacuum is working and cleaning. But make sure that when you are cleaning, the vacuum is switched off and unplugged.

Using Polish

You must have to clean the sneakers and other footwear daily. And it is very necessary to clean them to make up a neat and clean impression on others. The shoes can get stains and wear and tear by the time. Moreover, they can also discolor with time. Cleaning the shoes can be challenging and hard.

But do you know that you can use nail polish removers to remove the dirt and stains from your favorite shoes? There is a simple trick for this. Dab the polish remover over the shoes where there is dirt, and then use a wet paper towel to clean the area. Repeat the process until it completely remove the stain.

Cleaning the Lint

Bild: Sparkle1111112 /

The lint that gathers in dryer does not only make it dirty, but it is also dangerous. If you do not clean the lint from the dryer. Then it may also cause fire. This job is often messy and hard to clean. But it is necessary to clean the lint to avoid any danger that may occur.

Make sure that your lint do not get much thick. This will be safer for you and will help you to use dryer for long time. Now, you can clean the lint by an easy method. You can use the tea to clear the lint and mess over the lint. It will save your lint from catching a fire.

Cleaning the Oven Racks

Image: YouTube/Clean My Space

The oven racks may also be covered with grease. Just like vents, you have to clean the racks too. There is an easy way of cleaning the racks by using a mixture just like hot water and baking soda. So, to make the racks clean, you have to make a mixture using baking soda.

Take one bottle of vinegar and immerse the tray into it. Then wait until the vinegar absorbs the grease and oil. Make sure you also poured baking soda with it. The baking soda will help in breaking the grease and layers of dirt from the oven. Once it becomes soft, rub it and remove the dirt. 

Cleaning the Spills from Dirty Spaces

Bild: Regreto /

You cannot clean the spills from the surfaces because sometimes they can be hard. The surfaces like bamboo, wood etc. absorb the spill and a mark is left. Now, you can clean this mess with a simple and easiest trick. You can use a bread load to clear the surface. All you have to do is take a bread slice and convert it into a ball.

Then use the bread balls as the sponges. The bread balls quickly soak the spills before they are absorbed, or they settle down. You can remove the spills immediately by the bread balls. It is the easiest approach.

Clearing Dust

Image: YouTube/Clean With Confidence

You may see the dirt and dust particles stuck inside the door screens or the windows. The vegetation and birds droppings can easily get stuck in them. Not only this, the mess can also have dead insects too. These things can come inside your home when you open the windows or the doors.

The dust and dirt particles may also get stuck on the screens of the windows that make them look more dirty and messy. Here, we have got a simple trick for you. You may take an adhesive roller and clean the windows with them. It is efficient and easy way.

Olive Oil

Image: YouTube/Clean My Space

You can clean your favorite pots and the pans using olive oil. It is an easy way to keep your good pans and pots safe. The olive oil helps to clean the delicate surfaces without scratching the or damaging those surfaces.

Olive oil is a natural solvent. It can easily break down the baked grease and also the burned grimes, and it is far better than commercial soaps. You can remove all the stains and blemishes from the pots and pans whether they are made up of steel, titanium and even if you have non-stick pots. You can also cook using olive oil as it is healthy for you.

Clean the Unseen Kitchen Grease

Bild: mdbildes /

Your kitchen cabinets can have oil and grease stuck onto them. You must have to clean those inside out. Most of us polish the wooden cabinets or even wax them. But you cannot polish them again and again if you want to clean them.

We have a simple tip for you. All you have to do is take baking soda and vegetable oil and then you can use them. Rub the mixture over the surfaces and then wipe the surfaces with the paper towels. Suppose you do not have wooden cabinets. Still, you can use this trick. You may also know that vegetable oil is best for cleaning wooden surfaces.

Removing the Unpleasant Odors from Vinegar and Oils

Bild: Africa Studio /

Your house may stink and give unpleasant odors. If you have pets in the house. Then you might know that the pet odor is not easy to remove easily. The pet odors on the furniture can be hard to remove. These odors occur because pets accidentally pee over the furniture’s or the carpets.

You will need vinegar and oil if you want to get rid of annoying odors. You have to spread the vinegar. This vinegar will evaporate and take out vinegar with it. Suppose there is a lot of pet odor, then you will need a lot of vinegar. You may also remove the odor using the essential oils.

Sanitizing the Plastic Boards

Image: YouTube/CrazyIndianHacker

You have to handle the plastic boards a bit differently than those wooden cutting boards. You have to clean them and sanitize them quite differently. The best things you can use for wooden boards are lemon juice and salt. But you can have to clean the plastic boards with another trick.

You will have to take a special mixture of baking soda, hydrogen per oxide and the dish washing soup. Now, add these mixtures and stir them until they become thick and show a bubbly appearance. Now, you can rub the board by spreading the mixture. Then you can make the board clean and shiny.

Cleaning Greasy Clean tops

Image: YouTube/HomeArt TV

You can get rid of grease and oil that comes due to cooking. Suppose you use a gas stove. Then it can become greasy and oily, and it covers the burners and stands with grease. It can be really hard to clean and scrub the stove. So, if you use the commercial products, it will still be hard.

You can use ammonia to remove the grease and dirt from the stove. Firstly, clean the burner cover using a plastic bag and add a bit of ammonia into it and leave for overnight. Remove the plastic bags the next day and after that the grease and oil will be removed easily.

Towel Bowl Brush

Bild: Simona Jurasova /

If you want to clean the toilet brush then pine sol is the best way that you can use. You might be thinking how and why you can clean this. The pine sol is also used to clean the brush. The dirt sits inside the brush and then settles down in the toilet bowl. Now it’s the time to think that how you should clean them.

There are many cleaning agents but using the pine sol can help you clean the brush thoroughly and then sanitize it. It is a better and cleaner option than any other thing. It is the best way to clean the brush.

Cleaning the Toys in Washing Machine

Image: YouTube/Dimo Petkov

You have to take care of your child’s health. You must wash and sanitize the toys to get rid of the germs and dirt. The toys can get cleaned and washed when you put them in washing machine. They can get dirty because of falling on floor and due to pets.

Put the toys in a mesh bad or any other laundry bag and then put them into the washer for cleaning purposes. Do not spin the washing machine only choose the rinse and wash option. You can use the laundry soup, hot water and cleaning bleach to clean the toys.

Washing Pillows with Tennis Balls

Bild: Gargantiopa /

You cannot wash the pillows easily because they lose their fluffiness. Even after the first wash, you will lose the fluffiness. The pillows are rinsed with water, and then they are dried through a spin cycle. They shrink because of the heat of the dryer.

Now, you can get rid of shrinking of pillows by using a simple trick. Add tennis balls into the drier and do not use heat. The tennis balls will absorb the moisture from the pillows, and they dry faster without shrinking. Use the highest spinning cycle, and it will dry the pillow quickly. As a result, you will not lose fluffiness from the pillow.

Cleaning the Toasters

Image: YouTube/Howcast

Toothbrush can easily clean a lot of things that you can even imagine. You can clean the toaster using the brushes. Make sure that the brush is made up of metal so the cleaning becomes easy. Make sure that your toaster is unplugged before you clean it.

Most metallic toothbrushes can stuck into the toaster and then damage it from inside. To avoid such things, you can use the plastic toothbrush. You can also use the rotatable brushes so the cleaning becomes easier and quicker. In this way, you can have a pure and clean the toaster easily and quickly and the stains will go off.

Using essential oils

Image: YouTube/Our Oily House

You cannot get rid of stains that are on the toilet bowls. It may take time to remove the stains. You can use the different approaches to remove the stains and also use the chemicals. But it can be hard and tiring job too. You can use the essential oils to remove the stains and their buildups.

Now, you have to take almost 15 drops of tree oil and 15 drops of lemon or orange essential oil. Wait for few moments until they settle down on the seat. After 30 minutes, start scrubbing the seat and it will be clean. You can clean the stubborn build up by using the essential oils and tree tea oils.

Dishwasher Cleaning

Image: YouTube/Bethany Fontaine

Most of us think that the cleaning of dishwasher is always like running the dishwasher. You might be thinking that you clean the dishes with a dishwasher and it is clean in this way. Well, it’s true for some of the cases. But it is not true at the same time. But there are microbes and bacteria that may stick in the dishwasher. So, you must use a cleaning agent for this.

You will need a jug of mixture of baking soda and vinegar. You can pour the vinegar and dishwasher equally to thoroughly clean them. Now empty the box and run for one cycle.

Cleaning the Microwave

Image: YouTube/Taggers

Microwave can become greasy and oily after many uses. Similarly, it can also get stains all over because of its use. Now the main point to ponder is how to clean all dirt and dust by using the microwave oven. We will help you find out the best ways to clean the dirt and dust particles easily and efficiently.

Take vinegar in a bowl and heat for few seconds in a microwave. Leave it for one minute after heating. Then take a paper towel and clean the microwave because there are vapors of vinegar inside it which will make it clean and oil free.

Cleaning Marls with Chalk

Image: YouTube/Clean My Space

If you cook in the kitchen, it will leave marks of grease and oil and also the stains on the stoves etc. But do you know that these grease marks can evaporate in the house and you can randomly see the marks all over the house. These are made up of different things.

The tools that you use around the house are the major cause of marks. They are caused by fluids and the oils. But if you cook in the kitchen then this leaves big marks and oils in the kitchen. There is a simple trick. Use the chalk and rub them over the marks. Keep rubbing until it becomes things. Then wipe it off.