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4 Sisters, 40 Overwhelming Memories

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

Life swiftly passes by, making it challenging to create cherished moments with loved ones. However, the remarkable Brown sisters defy this notion. In 1975, Nicholas Nixon, Bebe’s spouse, captured an image of the sisters.

Intriguingly, they made a collective decision to recreate this photograph annually for four decades. These remarkable pictures serve as a poignant testament to the various experiences the sisters have shared throughout the years.

1. 1975, the photo journey begins

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

In 1975, Nixon and the Brown sisters embarked on their family photo project. Each picture maintains a consistent style, solely annotated with the date and location.

From left to right, the individuals captured in this photograph are Heather, Mimi, Bebe, and Laurie. Their ages, in no particular order, were twenty-one, twenty-five, fifteen, and twenty-three respectively. Fascinatingly, future portraits will also feature Nixon alongside the sisters.

2. 1976, extraordinary matching dresses

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

It remains uncertain whether the sisters’ matching dresses in most of the pictures were a deliberate choice or simply a remarkable coincidence.

In this particular photograph, Laurie and Bebe are both adorned in identical dresses, showcasing their strong bond and playful nature.

3. 1977, I wonder if the sisters were Star Wars fans or not? 

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

In 1977, the iconic Star Wars Episode IV – A New Hope was released, igniting a frenzy among dedicated fans who began proudly donning Star Wars merchandise as a testament to their love for the series.

In this particular photograph of the Brown sisters, there are no visible indications of their connection to Star Wars. However, one could still assume that the sisters were enthusiastic fans of the series.

4. 1978, the sisters might have watched Grease

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

This year marked the premiere of the timeless musical romance film Grease, featuring the charismatic duo John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John. The immense fandom surrounding the movie led to a widespread trend of sporting leather jeans throughout half of America.

In this particular picture, the Brown sisters are not adorned in the fashion of devoted Grease fans. However, it is highly likely that they have either watched the movie or perhaps are fans of Fleetwood Mac.

5. 1979, all set for a new decade

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

Once again, the sisters are fully prepared to embark on a new decade, capturing another remarkable photograph.

What makes these pictures truly captivating is the evident timelessness of the dresses and styles worn by women forty years ago, which continue to be in vogue. It serves as a testament to the cyclical nature of fashion, showcasing how trends have a way of coming back around.

6. 1980, the sister’s love never ends 

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

In this photograph, the sisters have shifted their pose slightly to exude a sense of joy, clearly demonstrating the immense delight they find in each other’s company.

Alternatively, this change in their demeanor could be attributed to a significant event taking place, such as a wedding or a graduation party for one of the sisters. Regardless of the reason, it brings us great pleasure to witness their happiness.

7. 1981, the sisters must be thinking about to start working as adults

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

Indeed, it is interesting to note that in 1981, the minimum wage stood at $3.10 per hour, while a bag of Lay’s chips was priced at $1.98. Considering that all the sisters, except Bebe, were in their twenties, it is reasonable to assume that they might have been working jobs that paid the minimum wage.

Comparatively, the present-day minimum wage has increased to $7.25 per hour, and the cost of a bag of Lay’s chips has risen to $2.98. These figures highlight the changes in economic factors over time.

8. 1982, the weather is quite chilly

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

On this occasion, the photographer Nixon has opted to capture an outdoor photo of the sisters, possibly indicating that they are either on a vacation or have chosen to incorporate this memorable event into their cherished photo collection.

An intriguing fact about the year 1982 is the affordability of Sony Walkmans, which were priced at approximately $130. It is fascinating to observe how their cost has evolved over time, with current models ranging from $100 to as much as $4000. This serves as a reminder of the changing landscape of technology and consumer electronics.

9. 1983, Do you think the sisters were playing Jenga? 

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

This particular year marks the introduction of the popular stacking block game, Jenga. One can’t help but wonder if the sisters have indulged in this iconic game and, if so, who among them excelled at Jenga.

The beautifully captured photograph demonstrates the photographer’s dedicated effort to create an immersive experience for the viewers, evoking a sense of inclusion in the sisters’ conversation. The composition successfully invites the audience to share in the bond and connection shared by the sisters.

10. 1984, we can see the shadow of Nixon

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

In the year 1984, the “Baby on Board” signs in cars began to gain popularity as they served as a helpful indicator for emergency responders to identify and prioritize the evacuation of infants in case of accidents.

In this particular picture, we can observe the sisters joyfully enjoying a sunny day at the beach, with the faint shadow of Nixon also visible. This inclusion of his shadow in the portrait perhaps serves as a creative way to incorporate him into the photograph, further solidifying his presence within their cherished memories.

11. 1985, a new year, a new photo

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

The commitment of the Brown sisters and Nixon to their family photo project is evident as they have now dedicated ten years to its continuation. The ages of the sisters, in no particular order, are thirty-five, thirty-one, twenty-five, and thirty-three, showcasing the passage of time and their individual journeys.

In an interesting twist, the year 1985 witnessed the introduction of “New Coke” by Coca-Cola, a memorable event in the beverage industry. This particular variant remained in existence until 2002, leaving its mark on the history of the brand.

12. 1986, A close up

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

In this year’s installment, Nixon has chosen to capture a close-up photo of the Brown sisters. Their expressions exude happiness, and it is evident that they eagerly anticipate the annual photo project.

Meanwhile, 1986 was notable for the immensely popular song “That’s What Friends Are For” by Dionne Warwick. This iconic track captured the hearts of many during that time and remains a well-known anthem celebrating friendship.

13. 1987, Focus is on Bebe and Mimi

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

In this particular picture, the spotlight is on Bebe and Mimi, as they take center stage, while Heather and Laurie find themselves in the background.

It is possible that Nixon was exploring a different pose for the photograph, aiming to create a unique composition. Alternatively, there might have been a significant event in the lives of Bebe and Mimi during that year, prompting them to celebrate and commemorate the occasion in the family portrait. The photograph captures this dynamic, providing a glimpse into the sisters’ journey and the moments they choose to highlight.

14. 1988, we spot go-to-luxury cheetah print

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

During the ’80s, animal prints emerged as a prominent fashion trend, and in this particular picture, Laurie is seen donning a cheetah print outfit. While the photograph captures the original color of the print, it is likely that the garment possessed a certain level of fanciness and style.

In 1988, the iconic film Rain Man was released. One might speculate whether the Brown sisters were fans of Tom Cruise, who starred in the movie. Their appreciation for the actor or the film itself remains a fascinating point of curiosity within the context of their collective interests.

15. 1989, a mystery picture

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

In this particular picture, Heather is mostly hidden behind Mimi, with only one hand and half of her face visible. It leads to the assumption that she may be pregnant, and the sisters have intentionally chosen to keep aspects of their personal lives outside the frame, allowing the focus to remain on their collective bond and the photo project itself.

A fascinating fact about the year 1989 is the decrease in the price of the Sony Walkman, which was now available at $79. This change in affordability made the iconic portable music player more accessible to a wider audience, contributing to its continued popularity and cultural significance.

16. 1990, once again they are together on a cold day

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

The 90s undoubtedly marked a vibrant and eventful decade, and at its outset, the Brown sisters captured their family photo on a chilly winter day.

The sight is truly splendid as the sisters are dressed in matching outfits, creating a delightful visual harmony. In this particular picture, Mimi and Bebe are twinning in denim attire, while Heather and Laurie are twinning in cozy fleece outfits. The coordinated ensembles add an extra layer of charm and unity to the photograph, showcasing their shared style and bond.

17. 1991, they are look-alike

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

It is remarkable how, with the passage of fifteen years, the sisters have developed a striking resemblance to one another, particularly Mimi, Heather, and Laurie. While there may have been noticeable differences between them during their teenage and early adulthood years, time has brought forth a shared similarity that is evident in their appearance.

In an intriguing twist, the year 1991 witnessed the release of the hit song “Smells Like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana, which interestingly derived its name from an actual deodorant. This fascinating fact adds an element of curiosity to the cultural landscape of that year, showcasing the creative inspirations behind popular music.

18. 1992, Mimi looks pregnant

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

It is apparent that Nixon aims to highlight the sister who may have something significant occurring in her life, while maintaining an element of intrigue and discretion.

In this specific picture, the way Heather gazes at Mimi’s stomach and holds it suggests the possibility that she may be pregnant. However, it is essential to consider that assumptions should be made with caution, as the intention behind the photograph might be to create a sense of mystery and allow the viewers to speculate without confirming any specific details.

19. 1993, their first shot at the nighttime

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

Up until now, all the photos in this ongoing project have been captured during daylight hours. However, this particular photo breaks the pattern as it was taken at night, using a flash to illuminate the scene.

It appears that the Brown sisters and Nixon sought to infuse some creativity into the project by introducing a change in the timing of the photograph. Perhaps they felt the need to explore different possibilities as they exhausted their repertoire of poses, aiming to keep the project fresh and innovative. This experimentation adds a new dimension to the collection, showcasing their willingness to push the boundaries of their family photo tradition.

20. 1994, another close-up

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

In a remarkable parallel, Nixon captured a similar close-up picture of the sisters back in 1986. It is plausible that they have chosen to recreate this photo, as they find themselves in the same location or setting.

Shifting our attention to the notable event of 1994, one of the highlights was the mud fight that took place during Green Day’s performance at Woodstock. The altercation escalated to such an extent that the band’s guitarist, Mike Dirnt, was mistakenly punched by a security guard who had mistaken him for a fan. This incident stands out as a memorable and unexpected occurrence during that year’s Woodstock festival, leaving an indelible mark on the event’s history.

21. 1995, the strong sisterly bond

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

The sisters’ warm embrace in the photograph beautifully exemplifies their strong bond and deep affection for one another.

It is indeed notable that throughout the series of pictures, the sisters appear to be wearing minimal jewelry. This could be attributed to personal preference, indicating that they may not be particularly fond of adornments or elaborate accessories. Alternatively, it is possible that they intentionally choose to keep the focus on their natural selves, allowing the photographs to reflect their genuine personalities and the essence of their relationship. The absence of excessive jewelry adds a subtle and authentic touch to the overall aesthetics of the photos.

22. 1996, another photo re-created

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

This particular photograph is a recreation of a photo taken by Nixon in 1984, precisely twelve years prior. Interestingly, in both images, we can observe the shadow of Nixon overlapping his wife.

Shifting gears to a notable event in 1996, the launch of the renowned “Tickle Me Elmo” toy captivated the market. This red plush toy quickly became a sensation, capturing the attention and desire of children everywhere. However, its overwhelming popularity and scarcity in the market turned it into a nightmare for many parents, as they found themselves facing great difficulty in obtaining this coveted toy for their children.

23. 1997, when Diana was no more

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

The sisters are undeniably relishing each other’s company on a lovely windy day, evident from their joyful expressions and relaxed poses, their hair tousled by the gentle breeze.

Shifting our attention to a significant event in 1997, it was marked by the tragic death of Princess Diana in a car accident. It is plausible that the sisters, being aware of this devastating news, decided to dress in black and somber colors as a way to pay tribute or express their condolences. The choice of their attire reflects the impact of this heartbreaking event on a global scale, demonstrating their awareness and sensitivity towards such a profound loss.

24. 1998, Bebe has got the center stage

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

In the photo captured that year, Nixon deliberately directs his focus towards Bebe, creating a visually appealing composition where the three sisters encircle and support their eldest sibling.

Shifting gears to a related topic, it is worth mentioning that in 1998, a significant milestone was achieved in the United States as the life expectancy of females reached 79.5 years. This notable increase in life expectancy reflects advancements in healthcare, improved living conditions, and increased awareness of healthy lifestyles. It stands as a testament to the progress made in promoting the well-being and longevity of women in the country.

25. 1999, Protecting Bebe from the chili wind

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

The Brown sisters have returned to the beach, revisiting the same location they had previously visited in 1984. It appears to be a cherished family vacation spot, perhaps holding sentimental value and fond memories for them.

Upon closer observation of the photo, a notable detail emerges: all the sisters, with the exception of Bebe, are clad in fleece attire. This choice of clothing suggests their intention to shield and protect Bebe from the chilly winds, exemplifying the care and consideration they hold for one another. It serves as a testament to the strong bond they share, exemplified through their actions and gestures in the photograph.

26. 2000, the Brown’s welcoming the new century

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

The Brown sisters celebrate their New Year’s party on the beach, signifying the project’s journey. Nixon captures them from afar, symbolizing the distance they’ve come. In the new century, the global population reaches 6 billion, marking growth and diversity.

27. 2001, Thank God, the sisters are safe

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

It is reassuring to witness all four sisters in a state of safety, particularly considering the impactful and tragic event that occurred in America in 2001, known as 9/11, which profoundly affected numerous lives.

The sisters’ warm embrace and evident enjoyment of each other’s company serve as a poignant reminder to cherish the present moment and not allow external issues to dampen our spirits. It signifies the importance of finding joy and solace in the midst of challenging circumstances, highlighting the resilience and determination of the sisters to make the most of their time together.

28. 2002, rocking the “Polo

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

With an exception of Heather, the sisters don stylish Polo attire, exuding a remarkably cool vibe. Their impeccable fashion choices exemplify the thoughtfulness and dedication they invest in their ongoing photo project.

In line with our previous discussion, it is worth noting that the year 2002 witnessed the discontinuation of “New Coke” and the subsequent reintroduction of Coca-Cola Classic. It piques curiosity whether the sisters embraced or appreciated this change in the iconic beverage. While their personal preferences remain unknown, it adds an intriguing layer to their shared experiences during a time when a beloved product underwent a notable transformation.

29. 2003, the Brown’s are keeping up with the new trends

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

All sisters, except Heather, sport cool Polo outfits, emphasizing their dedication to the photo project. In 2002, Coca-Cola reintroduced Classic after discontinuing New Coke, leaving us curious about the sisters’ response to this change.

30. 2004, Heather and Laurie at the front: 

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

Heather and Laurie take the spotlight this year, perhaps indicating a special milestone in their careers or personal lives. In an intriguing twist, Laurie looks at Heather instead of the camera, sparking curiosity about the deeper meaning behind their connection.

31. 2005, why is Laurie looking away? 

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

Laurie’s gaze once again avoids the camera, intriguing us further with its divergence from the expected. The reason behind this choice remains a mystery, leaving us with the question of who to seek answers from. In a playful speculation, one might wonder if Laurie is in search of the members of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, known for their distinct attire of colanders.

32. 2006, sun-kissed photo

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

Under the radiant sun, the sisters exude beauty and closeness, their bond as strong as ever. The sun rays gracefully illuminate their presence, lending a glow to the photo and emphasizing their timeless connection.

Intriguingly, 2006 marked the rise of Blu-rays, surpassing DVDs in popularity. With enhanced storage capacity and high-quality streaming capabilities, Blu-rays revolutionized the way information is stored and accessed, captivating audiences with their superior technology.

33. 2007, This time Mimi is hiding

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

Mimi finds refuge behind Bebe in this photo, while Bebe and Heather take the forefront, with Laurie and Mimi positioned in the background. A notable detail is the glimpse of Laurie’s wedding ring, a subtle symbol of her marital status. Additionally, Bebe’s elegant bracelet catches the eye, adding a touch of style to the composition.

2006 stands as a monumental year with the introduction of the groundbreaking iPhone, a device that would reshape the landscape of technology. Priced at $599 during its initial release, the iPhone quickly became an iconic symbol of innovation and revolutionized the way we communicate and interact with the world around us.

34. 2008, Nixon’s fingers

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

In this heartwarming photo, the Brown sisters embrace one another, radiating a sense of love and an enduring bond that has only grown stronger over time.

Adding a touch of humor, an amusing fact from 2008 is that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) recommended a change in lightning safety protocol. Instead of crouching down, it was advised to walk safely during a lightning storm, highlighting the ever-evolving nature of scientific recommendations and our understanding of natural phenomena.

35. 2009, so peaceful and content

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

Laurie’s gentle gesture of resting her head on Babe’s shoulder beautifully captures the sense of tranquility and deep connection that the sisters share.

Shifting our attention to the realm of music, one of the standout hits of 2009 was “Teach Me How to Dougie” by Cali Swag. This catchy dance number gained immense popularity and continues to be a beloved choice for dance enthusiasts. As we move forward, let’s eagerly anticipate the next decade of the Brown sisters’ remarkable journey captured through their timeless photographs.

36. 2010, where are Heather and Mimi looking

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

Heather and Mimi’s captivated gazes in the photo pique our curiosity as to what might have caught their attention. It could be something intriguing or simply a creative pose orchestrated by Nixon.

Shifting gears to an interesting fact, in 2010, the settlement of Mourisaq, located on an island country, had a population of merely three individuals. However, it is worth noting that the settlement is now closed, marking a unique chapter in its history.

37. 2011, holding each other arm

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

The Brown sisters’ affinity for holding and embracing each other is evident in many of their photos, showcasing their deep bond and affection.

On another note, an interesting fact from 2011 is that commonly used internet acronyms like LOL (laugh out loud) and OMG (oh my god) have transitioned from being considered slang to official entries in the prestigious Oxford English Dictionary. This recognition reflects the impact of digital communication on our language and culture.

38. 2012. The world kept ongoing

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

Indeed, the rumor of the world ending in 2010 was just that—a rumor. Fortunately, life continued, and the Brown sisters remained dedicated to their annual family photo project, capturing another memorable moment in their journey. Their commitment to the project showcases their resilience and the value they place on preserving their bond and memories despite any uncertainties or rumors swirling around them.

 39. 2013, they went on a break

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

After an impressive streak of 39 consecutive pictures, the Brown sisters took a hiatus from their family photo project for four years, leaving us to speculate about the reasons behind this break. While the exact cause remains unknown, we can only hope that everything was well in their lives during that period.

In 2013, an extraordinary event occurred in the Catholic Church as Pope Benedict XVI made the historic decision to resign from his position. This marked the first papal resignation in nearly 600 years, sparking significant discussions and interest worldwide.

40. 2017, the last photo of the project

Image: Paulo Moura / YouTube

In a bittersweet turn of events, the Brown sisters reunited in 2017 to capture what would become the final photo of their long-standing photo project. Unfortunately, it is rumored that one of the sisters passed away, and another sister did not give her consent to continue the project. As a result, the project came to an end, marking the conclusion of a remarkable visual journey that showcased the enduring bond of sisterly love and affection.